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Becoming a yogi is not that difficult, however it still requires time and energy. And whenever reaches the period when yoga is already the part of the life, it becomes even more difficult to miss the lessons and practices of yoga. However, we all are having those days when we have to miss it. And one of the brightest example for this is when we are traveling. Doesn’t matter whether we are going onto the business vacation or just having a family holiday, we are always having that question on our minds: How to manage the yoga practice when traveling?

As much as it seems impossible for you, we hurry up with saying that it is not. There are several things you should follow to have it done properly. Don’t worry, you are not required much.

Don’t forget to take your mat

You, better then anyone else, would know that mat is essential during the yoga practices. As a professional yogi, you should have your mat with you everywhere. This will both ensure your comfort and give you a sense of a home.


Yoga clothes are also important

Don’t forget that with comfortable clothes you will have a way more effective practice then you would with not comfortable ones. If you have your favorite yoga leggings and top, you should better take them with you. If you consider buying something new from the place where you go, first of all, make sure that you will find it there. Search it via google to see what options you will have. If you are already there, buying clothing, make sure you’re buying stretchy clothes, which are created from good fabrics and are comfortable. This is an essential part of your yoga, so make sure not to miss it.


Choose the best time

If you are on a business tip, you would probably know which are exactly the hours that you will be busy. Accordingly, make a schedule and include into it your yoga practice. Knowing the exact time of it, will help you be better organized. If you are on a family vacation, make sure you know if you’re going to have some trips, excursions etc., and again, accordingly decide the best time for your practice.


Choose the best place

When reached to the destination (hotel, house etc.) go through the rooms you have and try to choose the one which is the best for yoga. Make sure it has enough space for every yoga pose you are going to do. Also take into account in which part exactly it is: if that place is near the window or a street, then maybe the noise outside will disturb you? Take into account all of this kind of disturbing factors, that will matter while practicing.

Continue being careful and attentive

If you are having your vacation near the beach and decide to take you classes there, be careful. Make sure to know whether the country you are in has some special peculiarities. It is okay to practice on the beach? While you are practicing alone, are you careful to your stuff, like phone? Make sure you know you are in the safe place for a practice and don’t have anything to worry about. Or else, to escape robbery etc., don’t take expensive stuff with you (if you can afford yourself living without phone). Just the mat and you.

We hope that these little tricks will help you while traveling and you will enjoy your yoga practice. Remember, every time you travel you learn something new and broaden your scope of view. Yoga always helps to keep you in that moment and help you better feel everything that your eyes see. Yoga helps you to see the new country with the eyes of your soul. So, don’t forget to do everything possible for enjoying the new country totally.