Online ads are all over the world: you know that and are going to have your campaigns for the digital advertising, right? There are so many social media profiles, such as the Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and so many others, where you can put an ad – a sponsored post to reach new users and impressions.
For all of those profiles there are some skills you should have before putting the ad, for example: finding the targeted audience, their age, country, understanding what you want to put an ad on etc. And most of the times, you can change those details according to the results, play with it to have better users and more success.
With YouTube, things become more complicated: here you can’t put just a post and then wait for it to have the most effective results. In order to have better results, you need a video – well, just a video is not enough – you do need to have a high quality video.
The good thing with the YouTube is that you pay for the video ad only when it is clicked by the user, after having watched for some seconds. In other words, this time you can be sure that the audience that comes to your ad – video, was really interested in your ad and has clicked it intentionally. Which means, you are paying for the interested audience only and this makes the possibility of non-useful flow less now.
With this in mind, let us pass into the types of the video ads, that you can have in YouTube.
- Bumper ads – those are the ads which are not more than 6 seconds (can be less) and will be played before / during or after the video. Bumper ads can’t be skipped, like people can do with the other types of the video ads. In this case the users see the whole 6 seconds of it, without skipping it. You are making the payment according to the impressions, that the video has.
- In-stream Ads – Those are the ads which can be more than 6 seconds – in fact they can be 30 seconds and less from it. In-stream Ads appear at the beginning or at the end of the video and the viewers have the option of skipping it after 5 seconds. You are paying for the ad whenever the user clicks on the ad after the 5 seconds, or watches all the 30 seconds of your video (or just the whole video if it is less than 30 seconds).
- Video Discovery Ads – this is the third type of video ads, which is basically not appearing on any other video. Here, our video has to be consisted of a thumbnail image and a text, that will be shown on different ways. Those ways can be either by the search results in YouTube, or the Mobile homepage of it, or alongside the related videos.
Keeping this all in mind, you can produce your video. However, it can be not of an easy task as well. There are so many things, you should pay attention to while creating a video:
- The format – The format of the video is important to be chosen beforehand, so that you will better understand how you are creating it. There are several formats you can use when creating the video, starting from the presenting the whole video as a story, having a slideshow – video, demonstrating a product in it, having some animations etc. In all of those cases – it is important to define the format beforehand and then proceed with the video making.
- The thumbnail – During the video discovery ad, as you have seen, having a thumbnail is more important. Which means, letting the YouTube choose the thumbnail image by auto system, will be a huge mistake. You can never be sure that the thumbnail chosen automatically will be the one you need your audience to see. Besides, it always has to be the one that will attract new people and will involve the most of the part of the video meaning in itself. So, make sure you keep an eye on it as well and create a separate thumbnail for your videos.
- The music – you probably know the list of music you can or can’t use in YouTube. In all of the cases, make sure you are careful to the music you are including in your video. Is it a famous one? Does it correspond to the whole video? Ask all of the possible questions before choosing the music of the video, because it really has a huge role in the video popularity.
- The quality – And we don’t even talk about the quality. No, we still talk about it. Quality is everything. You can have the best idea in the world, the best scenario, actors, best products, but when you are giving a poor quality – sorry, all of your other efforts are going to be wasted in vein. That is why, first thing you start with your video preparations is checking the video quality you will have. Only after that, you can proceed with other things as well. But before: Quality!
All of those tricks are the basic steps and things to know for starting your video campaign and having a success in it. All you need is a hard work and more efforts in this difficult task. Best of the luck to you!