(c) Can Stock Photo / GiulioFornasar
For already such a long time there are so many discussions around the question “who is a better leader: a man or a woman”? And well, most luckily you will end up this question with a quarrelling of both sides. As for many years, if not centuries, men were believed to be the best leaders, woman were having less roles in leadership and every aspect that may be connected with it.
However, as for now, with many women protecting woman rights, speaking about the equality and feminism, little by little women are also seen as good leaders in front of the society. It is worth mentioning, though, that the path that both man and woman will pass in order to become a leader, would be most probably different from each other. Well, it mostly depends on the person and on the skills that he/ she has. However, as we live in this society (and we have what we have) sometimes it also plays a huge role.
So, here are some of the differences that man and woman do or face while in the road to become a leader:
- Self-rate
The first and one of the most important differences is the self-rate of the leadership skills. It is researched, that men tend to rate themselves and their skills very high, thus give themselves for self-confidence, which is the key to every business meeting, seminar etc. Women, on the contrary, may know very well about their skills, but still don’t rate themselves properly. Always waiting someone to say that they do not lack this or that thing is an obstacle that every woman faces.
- Sensitivity
Whether we want to admit it or not, but women are more sensitive then man. When it comes to making important decisions and change something, women would think more and will bring the senses into the job more, then men would do. And here we are: we don’t tell whether It is okay or not, because no one really knows: has sensitivity a place in business? Ask yourself this question – and we are sure, we will get dozens of different answers. But the reality is: either it disturbs or not, women feel more than men, and this is a difference that everyone would face when comparing men and women leaders.
- Motivating
Another difference is: women are better motivators then men. Let’s admit it: for women it is always easier to tell someone that he/ she did a good job. Maybe even a small “Thank you” would be really easy to be pronounced and will be a great motivation. However, for the men, things like sweet words etc., are being a way of “losing” their masculinity. In case, men are not able to find that golden middle, where they will be able both motivate and stay as “masculine” as they are, things can be way more difficult. We all know that everyone needs a motivation, and if you, being a leader are not able to motivate your team, you have to work on that. Well, work HARD on that!
- Listening
Another differences between women and men: women listen better. In the road to becoming a leader you may already know why is listening so important for every leader. And men, in this case are being less careful to what is said and won’t be able to give an advice. On the contrary, women are better listeners, their instinct of maternity comes always to listen and help the one who needs that. And if you are not good at listening to your team members, listening as a leader, you should work on that quality as well.
- Communication skills
Well, obviously communication skill is another skill you should have as a leader. Here, men tend to be more dominant then women. Small things such as deciding the place of the business meeting, for example, would bring that gender inequality that brings lack of confidence to the women. However, we should still mention that women are being able to overcome this obstacle as well. All you need to is being concentrated on the business and being confident on your skills.
Here were some of the things that men and women face differently on their road to becoming leaders. Depending on each case of the person, however, we do believe that doesn’t matter what gender you have, if you are a leader, the world Is yours, and you will use all of your powers to reach the success you wish to.