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(c) Can Stock Photo / gstockstudio

We all know that sport is important part of our lives. Keeping active, moving and not just sitting all the time is extremely important for everyone. Pregnant women also should be busy with sport and exercises. Many women unfortunately think that if they are pregnant they are ill and they cannot move, be active and do sports. The truth is that the more you move and the more active you are during pregnancy, the easier you will give birth to your child. This is important to know in order to make your pregnancy healthier, easier and better both for you and for the child as well. Thus, all you need to do is to get actively involved in some physical activities. During the last period of your pregnancy of course you should slow the activity down, because you will not be able to do sports actively.  Moreover, if you do regularly sports during your pregnancy, it will help you to somehow tone your muscles and when you give birth, you will easily come back to your shape. Many women suffer after birth in order to make their muscles and shape back. This is really difficult to do for those who did not do any kind of sport during pregnancy. That is the reason why you should actively be involved in physical activities.

So now let’s discuss deeply why sport is so important for pregnant women.

  • When you do sports during pregnancy you are less inclined to gain weight. This is a huge plus. Anyway you may gain lots of weight during pregnancy, and being active and doing sport will help you to make the weight gain slower. Besides this, you will be able to be back to your shape easier after child birth, if you keep active during pregnancy as well.
  • The delivery of the child and labor can be easier if you do sports while pregnancy. This cannot be for sure because every organism is different. However, having strong cardiovascular system and strong abs will definitely help you for pushing stage and you may be able to give birth easier. The statistics show that water aerobics helps 58 percent women to give birth with less pain.
  • During pregnancy high blood sugar puts the woman at significant risk of getting the diabetes. So if you do have high blood sugar, this may also cause your baby overweight. So all you have to do is just doing sport, which my decrease the need of insulin for your body.
  • Statistics also show that active moms tend to have better mood than those who are not active and do not do physical activities.
  • Besides, the women who are more involved into sports are more energetic, full of positive energy and are more likely to be happy than those who do not do any sport.
  • If you do sports and if you are active while pregnancy you may boost the potential and love to sports of your child. Some doctors believe that if moms do sport while pregnancy, the babies also tend to be more athletic.
  • There is a chance that your child will have a healthier hearth if you do regular sport during pregnancy. Of course you while carrying your baby and having healthy life during pregnancy will have a positive influence on the health of the baby as well.
  • Some women have hard times while concentrating on sleep during pregnancy. They cannot sleep well at nights. Sport will help you to get more tired and therefore you will sleep better at nights.

So as you can see there are many things that sport can help us in. Especially if you are pregnant you will see that these things will help you greatly and you will definitely benefit a lot from sport. So if you are pregnant do not be afraid of doing sport. Just be active, do sports and you will see that you take the pregnancy easier and better than if you just do nothing and keep a slow lifestyle. The more active you be during pregnancy the more you will benefit, and the easier you will come back to your old shapes. So take care and be active while your pregnancy!

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