(c) Can Stock Photo / dundanim
For some people having dehydrated skin is something absolutely common and they deal with it from the day they are born. People can have naturally dry skin. This means that they can be born with dry skin. However, for some people dry skin is just temporary. Some people just have to face the problem of having dry skin because of this or that thing. In reality, there are many factors that can lead to having a dry skin. Many people also misunderstand the terms try and dehydrated. Dehydration means that you did not have enough water and eventually your organism run out of water. While dry skin is the naturally dry skin, which is caused by genetics and you cannot really do so much about it. The dehydration skin is the situation of skin when it lacks moisture, while the dry skin is the one which lacks oil. Many women unfortunately do not understand the difference between dry and dehydrated skin. Many women do not even know that even the oily skin can face the problem of dehydration. In fact this is important to know because it can cause other kinds of problems. For example some women think that they naturally have oily skin, and therefore, there is no need for them to hydrate the skin. This is one of the most common mistakes among women and women should really think about this issue.
The dehydrated skin will definitely make your skin look older, less fresh and will in general make you look ugly. So that is the reason why you should know the consequences of having dehydrated skin.
Sensitivity is one of the symptoms of having skin dehydration. The dehydration is when you lack moisture in your skin. If you lack of moisture then your skin will be very sensitive to pain or to any feeling.
Besides this, the skin which is dehydrated will definitely be irritated. I am sure every person can easily notice when his or her skin is irritated. Flaking, cracks and redness are also the symptoms of dry skin.
These things are the most common things that can obviously be seen when you just face the problem of having dehydrated skin.
Besides this, the dehydration can caused of several factors. It happens not only when you do not drink enough water, but also some other factors.
Ageing is a natural process that everyone passes through. During the ageing process you will have to face the dehydration because you want it or not, but the ageing will cause your skin lack of water. Besides, this the weather and environment can also cause dehydration for your skin. For example sun burnt skin required much more moisture. So it is quite logical that the hot or warm weather will make you drink much more water than the average weather. The lifestyle also matters a lot. For example if you keep a diet and deprive your organism from fatty acids, then for sure you will lead your organism to dehydration.
As you see there are quite many factors that make the skin be dehydrated and not look so great. Therefore you should really know that both oily and dry skin can become dehydrated because of lack of moisture. So just make sure that you get the difference between the dry and dehydrated skin. There are many ways to prevent your skin from dehydration. You just have to try by all means to make your skin hydrated and to provide enough moisture. This is how you will provide your skin with enough minerals and keep it healthy.