(c) Can Stock Photo / NorthernLightsStock

(c) Can Stock Photo / NorthernLightsStock

You probably know your competitors, right? Most of the times you get into competition, envy them for the clients they have or think that they are not good enough for entering into competition. However, one thing you can not reject is that they are your competitors and you are both working in the same sphere. This means you want or not your clients will have two options (or even more) and will always have the choice between you and someone else. For this you should use many tricks for not only not using your customers but also getting new ones from your competitors.

Start from the prices

In order to be different in your sphere you have to make some essential changes. And starting from lowering the prices of the products that you offer may be a great start. Analyze the market to see what other prices there are, calculate your expenses and see if you can lower the prices to some special products which are more searched in the market and are popular. For the beginning you will have lower income then before, however what you will gain is more customers. More people will know that you have better prices, that means more people will come to buying from you.

Do your marketing better

If all of the products that you with your competitor are offering are the same, then what else is more important than marketing? Marketing is what you can make a huge difference with. Starting from your activity in social media and finishing up with the wall papers or the offline advertising –everything will matter. The important thing here is to be creative and unique, present the company and brand in a new way, bring innovations to the world. That is why double think before hiring your marketing manager: choose the one who has real experience in the field, make sure that the employee will be able to handle the competition by creating and implementing bunch of new ideas. Make sure you are active enough in social media –  as that is a huge plus to every marketing and will bring more customers through it.


Offer better quality

Making a good marketing and lowering the prices of the products or services offered may be a good start. However, there is the famous fact, that mostly it is your product that speaks for itself. Usually, doesn’t matter what you do, how much budget you spend on it and how many efforts you put into it, if the product doesn’t have a good quality it will eventually be reviewed by the people and talked to be a bad one. That is why, whatever you think to do, make sure your product is good enough. There is another fact people are used to ask in these cases: Would you use your own product on yourself or give it to your children? If the answer is “no” then you really have got a lot of things to do. And that is making the quality of the products/ services much better. Unless, you are ready to buy it for yourself and use it on your own. That is the key to the successful business – quality products.

Offer more options

People like choosing, they like the idea that they do not have to take this or that product, but they wish to. In other words, if you are giving only one version of the product, but your competitor is offering 5 versions for the same product, people will most probably choose your competitors. This is to say that you should always have a wide variety of the products you offer – different sizes, colors, of different quality, different price. All of those things will help the customers make a better decision, choose something that they really like, not what they have to buy. With having more options of the products (more than your competitors), you will attract your competitors’ customers and offer them your products.

Make sure your customer service is the best

Sometimes, when everything else seems to be great, there can be still something to totally enjoy the time at your shop, or while having any interaction with your brand. And that is the customer service that you offer. Imagine yourself you are entering to obtain a product where someone with a very serious face makes everything short and doesn’t want to deal with you a lot.

On the opposite, your competitors’ customer service is just slaying it by having a stuff which like their job and are always trying to satisfy their clients. They are always smiling, trying to be as passionate as possible in order the clients to get what they want at the end.

Most of the people, will of course, take their way to your competitors’ shop and get a better service. In order to reach a success here as well, you should choose the stuff more carefully and make sure they are enjoying whatever they are doing.

Suggest more sales

Sales during the holidays or just for no occasion on a special day mean a lot for the customers. Even if those sales are small and are starting from 5%, those can be a perfect thing to attract your competitor’s customers. This can be a part of the marketing, but it is so important that we decided to write about it separately. So, make sure you are taking it seriously as well and are creating more and more sales for your customers.


Those are the best ways to use in order to attract the customers of your competitors. Just make it simple and honest, make the quality high and create a better branding – and you will get your customers. Good luck!