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When it comes to managing and organizing things and people, you feel like this is what you wanted to do for a long period of time. And when you get to know the people in your team you only then realize that it won’t be that easy as you could imagine. Let us today talk about the old employees and how you should treat them.
It’s always the time for learning
This is not just a statement referring to you, but also to the old employees. When you are dealing with people who are working in that company for already many years you may think that either they don’t have anything to learn and are experts, and that you are being so unexperienced compared to them. However, it is worth mentioning that it is never too late to study. If you want to have healthy communication with the old employees don’t close yourself, showing that you know everything. Being honest and telling that you don’t know this or that thing about the company or the strategies is more than natural. This can be said for the old employees as well. Don’t create an air where the employees will feel that they know everything. This will make it harder to ask questions to someone who is younger than them. Let them know that you are always free to discussing new technologies or anything else that may bring up a question to them.
Don’t think about your age
First thing you may do is thinking about your age and that the old employees won’t respect you. Here we are to comfort you. They are not going to respect you because of your age, but because of what you are doing there, how they help the company and how you help them. If you are doing your responsibilities properly and are trying your best to support them, you will earn both their respect and trust. If you are being shy because you are younger than them and are trying not give any exact orders or task, you have got to start working on the development of that skill. Start with simple things, try not order but ask for something. Another thing you can do it start discussion during which you will come to a conclusion that this or that thing should be corrected. This will help easier overcome the situation when you want to tell that something is not done correctly.
Everyone needs training
The same as with learning, everyone and always needs training. Times are being changed and every day new stuff comes to use. If you are starting working but never having enough courage to say that it is the time for training, you are being mistaken. This is the high time to discuss the need of the trainings. Let them know that you are sure about their knowledge and experience, however the training will help them keep every skill fresh and plus to the previous ones’ they will gain new abilities. This will help the whole team get equal skills, it will bring them more together and will become something common for the employees- doesn’t matter they are of an old age or the younger ones.
Don’t escape them
As a younger worker you may find less common things with them. So you may find it a solution to escape talking with them as much as possible. However, this will bring a huge space between you and the further conversation will become even more difficult. If you want to have a friendly team, you have got to know them better. Learn more about them, their lives and their interests. Everyone likes being noticed and being in the center of the attention. So, doing this you will both become friends and ensure the effective job in your team.
Those tips should be very helpful to anyone who is going to work as a human resources manager with old employees. Try to cope with this situation as this is being one of the challenge for every human resources manager. If you want to become one of those who is able to overcome that challenge, then go on trying and working hard. Care about each other and support, as you are working for the one company and the common goal. Good Luck!