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The Top Five Differences.

This question may sound weird from the very first time you hear it, but trust me, it is quite a normal question. Have you ever thought much about it? From the very surface you may think that the major difference is that mother gives birth and the father is just the one who takes care of the finance of the family and provides the life of family members, while the mother is busy with raising the child and with daily issues connected to growing process of the baby. However, things are much deeper than that. When you observe the issue you deeply, you will come up with the idea that actually the perception of parenting from the men’s point of view is quite different that of the women’s idea of parenting. That’s natural, because women and men think differently in every sphere, and that’s the same when it comes to parenting. And that difference basically is the difference that makes father other than mother.

So let’s understand which the major differences are and how the father is different from mother when it comes to parenting issues.

The very interesting fact about this issue is that when seeing and communicating with mom and dad at the early stage of life, even the baby starts understanding that men and women are very different in communication with her or him.

  1. The first and most obvious difference that the child catches very quickly is that mother and father play differently. Mothers are more careful and not so fun to play with. Fathers are all about throwing, pushing, wrestling, biting and other things which are more physical. That is the first difference the child notices.
  2. The next point which makes dad different from mother is that fathers encourage taking risks and being more confident. This is because fathers will tell to run faster, to swim in deeper places, to cycle faster and to throw harder. They impose to be risky and courage, while mothers will say to be calm and careful. At this sense fathers make them riskier and children understand it.
  3. Fathers even speak to child in different language than mothers. You know what I mean? Fathers do not try to make their words or ideas simple, they let the children think, they let them to solve the puzzle, if there is one in their words, while women make their ideas simple and while speaking to them they kind of pretend being of the same age.
  4. Just because men are less romantic than women, they prepare the child for the real life, where they show the real consequences of unpleasant behavior and so on, while mothers are more romantic and may somehow make things look better than they are in reality. At some point fathers may look more pessimistic in the eye of the child rather than mothers. That is also one of the biggest differences.
  5. Fathers build better boys than mothers, because fathers explain easier than moms. Moms are afraid of rising up a son, because they are not acquainted with the world of a man, while fathers build a real man, who uses the strength correct, unlike the boys brought up by mothers.


These were the major differences of what makes fathers different from mothers, when it comes to parenting. Actually it does not matter mother or father, both are important for the child, and the lack of one, puts a huge emptiness in the life of the baby. That’s why those kids who grew up in full families are luckier and more successful; they witness less stress as a rule, and have quite good childhood. As we know childhood affects a lot to the other stages of life.