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The relations of a father and a son are very special ones. If you want to have good relations between you and your son then you have to take into consideration many things. Men and women can fight over many things. They mostly compete about the power. Actually all the men have this strong feeling and thrust for authority. They all want to have more power and be dominating. That is why sometimes there can be a competition between fathers and sons. This is not the best type of relations that can happen between son and fathers. However, this kind of relations is not appearing simply, just because they seek more power. Most often there is some strong reason on the ground of this. Mostly fathers do something wrong, which then results in the strong reaction of sons. This can be inner family issues and also personal attitude to son during the childhood. Psychology has also a lot to do with this as you can see.
So now let’s see what the competition can bring and how it happens, and how you can overcome all these issues.
So the very first reason of competition between father and son happens because of sad and emotional childhood. If you as a father beat your son many times or had bad attitude towards him, if you did not love and care about him and just showed violence, then be sure that he will want to punish you when he gets older. So when he gets older he will definitely try to prove by all means that he is much stronger than you and he will do everything to make you accept him as the real man. You will see strong competition between you and your son in this case. So at this point of view there you have to really pay attention to childhood of your son and how you treat him. The cruelty cannot bring good relations. You can be strict, but never ever beat your son too hard.
If you had bad relations with the mother of your son and if you always showed negative attitude to him, then just be sure that it will affect your life and relations with your son. Sons do pay much attention to how you treat their moms. If you beat, if you ignore, if you make her cry then be sure that after your son gets old, he will compete with you and he will make you remember all the things that you did to his mom. He will definitely bear a grudge.
All these things and competition comes from the very childhood. In order to prevent the competition between you and you son, you have to try hard during his childhood. You really have to show respect, love and care from early childhood. These are the things that will help you prevent the competition between you always. Trust me, if you are a good person and a good dad to your son, he will never want to compete with you. He will always want to listen to you, to follow you and you will be his role model He will always want to be better for you and not just compete with you.
As you see the key to the solution of the problem lies in the childhood. Besides this not only the childhood but also your attitude to his mom matters. These are very important factors in order to have very well balanced relations between you two and never ever argue or compete.
Try to be a good father and just be best friend of him. The father and son relations are probably the coolest relations ever. If you manage to have good relations between you two, then just be sure that you will be very happy and successful and your son also. It is very wrong to compete with your son or make him compete with you. He must be very proud of you and you also must be very proud of him. This is the right format of son-father relationship based on trust and respect instead of competition.