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It is a very controversial issue whether fathers should allow their daughters to have boyfriends, and from which age this should happen.  Actually in different countries mentalities are different and therefore the question of having a boyfriend and relationship of daughter’s fathers take differently. Besides the culture many other things also matter such as personal issues like the boyfriend, the relations between the daughter and father and also many other things. So as you see the issue of having a boyfriend has got many things to do with culture and mentality. The European countries are more open- minded and the European dads actually allow their daughters to be in relationship from very early age. While the Asian countries and the countries in Middle East are quite conservative and have quite strong mentality. This in its turn means that they can be very strict with the choice of boyfriend and not allow themselves to have the choice of boyfriend as well.

  • We think that every single person has the right to choose and that every father should give her daughter the right to choose the love. Actually it is not like the daughters choose who to love. Love is not something you can choose, it is something that happens and you cannot help it.
  • We think that fathers should definitely give the daughters the right to have boyfriend. If they love each other let them know each other. It does not have to be anything very can just be fun. So if you want your daughter differentiate between good and bad guys you will have to give him the right to choose. So giving the right to choose can be very helpful to make your daughter differentiate the good and the bad.
  • Another reason that makes us thing you should allow your daughter to have boyfriend is that there is nothing bad in having a boyfriend and having some kind of relationship. It will make your daughter stronger and smarter. Even if they will not marry each other, at the end you will know that he became more experienced, which for sure will help her a lot during her life.
  • Besides this, you have to accept one truth. Your daughter soon or later will marry or will have a partner. For some people it is really hard to except that their daughter will get married or will have boyfriends. These kinds of fathers are jealous of their daughter in a way. However, you as a father should realize and accept this.
  • Besides this, you as a father can tell about the boyfriend. If you do not like the boyfriend or see him as a dangerous person, of course you must warn your daughter about it. Just tell him why you do not like him, but never force your opinion. Anyway if you trust your daughter you will be always by her side and if you trust her you will know that soon or late she will find it out that the boyfriend is not the best one.
  • Some fathers, on contrast with this marry or make their daughters have boyfriends from very young age. This is also very wrong because most of the daughters that marry or start to date from very young age are not mature enough to date or marry. In this case your just will deprive your daughter from her childhood and career. Just let her do her own choices.

Actually we think that daughters should definitely be given the right to choose who to marry and who to date. They should be given the full right to decide their personal lives. So if you want your daughter to make the right choices you should give her the right to choose for sure. Besides this, you can make his boyfriend respect your family. You can make him enter your house, greet and show some attitude. Make him know you and in this case he will not have the risk to misbehave with your daughter. You should let her have boyfriend, but at the same time for her own sake you can be somehow strict father and set some rules, regarding the time of arrival from date to home etc.

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