Timing:1 hour and a half

Nutrition: high

Difficulty: easy

Origin: Irish

As you Irish cuisine is a very homey and cozy one. There can be found any sophisticated dishes. Every dish is just comfortable to eat and just tasty. This is what the Irish cuisine is all about. Besides the Irish cuisine is full of meat, potatoes and mushrooms. Therefore it is very tasty cuisine and is designed to make you feel full. So basically everyone should prepare at least few dishes originally coming from Ireland. I am sure you will never regret that. The Irish cuisine is also full of some beautiful desserts, however, the one we will make today is not a dessert, but a very interesting dish called Dublin coddle. 

Why is it so interesting? What makes the dish be so interesting? Actually the reason is that the dish feels to be something you never ate before. So let’s see what ingredients we need to make.


The Ingredients.

Pork sausage, 2 pounds

2 cloves of garlic

2 carrots

Black pepper


1 pound of sliced bacon

2 onions

4 large potatoes

1 bouquet of garni

Apple cider

You can already tell why it is such an interesting dish. The ingredients are really unusual to be seen in one dish. So let’s start making it as soon as possible.

The making

At first cut the bacon into slices and separately put them on pan. Fry the bacon on both sides, until both sides are crispy. Once the bacon is ready, to have to make the sausage in the same way. Just cut the sausage into round bites and fry the sausage. Once the sausage is also cooked and brown, place them into another large bowl with the bacon.

Take the onions and garlics. Unpeel them, wash and chop into small pieces. Then just use the pan to cook them under the law heat, so much until they are cooked. Once they are done, add them into the large pot with sausage and bacon. 

Then wash the potatoes and carrots. Unpeel and cut them into quite thick slices and add into the large pot full of the rest of ingredients.

Add the garni bouquet and cover all with apple cider or the apple juice. Then put the pot under law heat and simmer for about 1 hour. The mass should not boil. Once all the ingredients come together, you just have to add salt and black pepper.

The dish is a perfect one to have with beer.  As you can see the dish is really an interesting one and not many people would imagine this kind of soup exists. Now you know about it and you can make it yourself.

The dish is not difficult to make. It is quite easy, though it may sound complicated. It will take you about 1 hour and a half to make the dish. When it comes to nutrition, we have to say that it is high, just because there are so many different ingredients in it.

Enjoy your Irish interesting coddle hot.