(c) Can Stock Photo / evgenyatamanenko

(c) Can Stock Photo / evgenyatamanenko

Today we will be talking about stress and the impact of stress on skin. In fact stress can be the cause of some really serious problems for every person. Stress can cause pain in all over the body and can also make you feel awkward, uncomfortable and look tired or not in shape. That is the reason why you should try to avoid stress by all means instead of getting any pressure.

The impact of stress not only affects the health but also our lifestyles. The thing if you are in stress you cannot concentrate on one specific thing. As a result of this, your stress or depression will get even worse, just because you are just making the stress even bigger and bigger.

Stress also has a huge impact on our skin. Skin is probably the very first part of human being that stress can affect. Some people have really difficult and at the same time very sensitive skin, which means that it is hard to keep good.  In this article we will show you how the stress or depression can affect the health of the skin.

  • Very often we have too many things to do and we do not really know how to overcome and handle the tough schedule. This makes you fall into stress or deep depression. This is its turn may result in dark circles. Dark circles will definitely make you look tired and have worse skin.
  • Studies show that stressed or depressed people drink less water. If you drink less water than you should, then you just will end up having flaky and dry skin. In order to overcome this, you have to hydrate the skin and drink as much water as possible. Otherwise you will really have a bad quality dry skin.
  • Another thing that can appear to be on your skin because of stress is definitely the acne. Stress usually releases cortisol, which can make other hormone disappear from your face and cause break-outs.
  • Stress can cause redness, which is caused because of breathing in the wrong way. Therefore, you have to breathe in deeply and not swallow the breaths. Otherwise, there is a huge risk for redness.
  • The next problem that stress can cause for skin is related to fine lines. The thing is that when you are stressed, you may have different facial impression, which may cause some deep wrinkles. This is one of the most common ways how stress can affect the skin.


These were the most common cases which show the way stress or depression can lead to some problems for skin. Stress can contribute to the sugar level in your organism which can cause diabetes and wrinkles. Besides this, stress can also make the skin harder. During stress you can have a law blood circulation, which means that the blood circulation for the face will slow down. This it its turn will result in a situation, when the blood does not get enough minerals.  In order to overcome all the issues you have to understand that you should take enough sleep, forget about all the problems and troubles, do not overthink, keep calm and drink much water and stay hydrated. Even if you are in stress, try to stay positive and be in good mood. You have to see the problems objectively. This is one of the best ways that will help you to overcome the stress. In fact if you have some stress or depression, it will clearly be seen on your face and skin. So just pay really good attention to your nerves and try to avoid any kind of stress.