The best recipe to the most loved Lasagna
Have you ever came home with that great appetite to eat lasagna, prepared everything but never got the taste of the ones which are served at the restaurants or right in the home of lasagna: Italy? You have probably tried all the possible recipes, added all the necessary ingredients, but still don’t enjoy the taste of it? Congratulations, you are here to discover the best recipe of lasagna and all the steps you need to take for getting it right. Here are the ingredients you will need for lasagna:
1 box of noodles –there are usually 10-12 noodles in the box
1 pound ground meat – you can choose either beef, lamb, veal or the mixture of them
2 cups of Mozzarella cheese – Shredded
Cheddar cheese (amount depends on your preference)
Parmesan (amount depends on your preference)
2 cloves garlic
1 onion
2 eggs
25 ounce of jars tomato
Salt, black pepper
Olive oil

First thing you have to start with, is adding the noodles in the boiling water. After the noodles are in the water, you should add a pinch of salt and let the noodles stay in the water for 9-12 minutes (you can come back to them every 2-3 minutes and stir them slightly). After they are ready take the noodles out of the water and let them rest.
Cook separately the garlic and onion with olive oil. Turn on the gas on the medium heat and put the skillet on it with the meat you have chosen (beef, lamb etc.). Add to the meat the onion and garlic cooked before, salt and black pepper. Cook this for about 10 minutes, stir it constantly.
Mix together Cheddar cheese, eggs and Parmesan cheese, until they become one combined mass.
After all the above mentioned steps you have to place the noodles in a pan, side by side (depends how much you have). When noodles are set you are ready to add the tomato sauce, the mixture of the meet and then, the mixture of the cheddar cheese with eggs. You can repeat the layers as more as you have ingredients left (usually it is 2 or 3 times). After repeating this and having all the noodles set, add the mozzarella cheese (shredded beforehand).
Preheat the oven during the phase of preparations, so that the oven will be ready when you are finished with setting everything. Cover the dish with a foil and put the mass in the oven and bake it for about 30 minutes, this is until you see that the cheese is already melted. Remove the foil and let it stay there for more 10 minutes. You can take it out of the oven when you see that the cheese is already brown.
Leave it for 10-15 minutes and it is ready to be served.
Congratulations, there is no need to go to the restaurant or find that Italian cook who will prepare the magnificent dish for you anymore. Now, you are ready to prepare and taste Lasagna whenever you wish to. Good appetite!