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Giving birth is one of the noblest things a person can do. When it comes to women, every woman at a certain age thinks about having her own child. Unfortunately there are women who have their children and leave them, some do not take care of them and are not good parents, but they have been able to have their own children. However they do not appreciate that objective and do not understand that having a child is a gift of life. While, on the other hand there are many women who would really like to have their own child and would really be a good parent, but unfortunately are not able. So if the woman wants to have a baby but she cannot, the idea of surrogacy comes to help.

This happens mostly when a woman of the couple is not able to have her own baby so they hire surrogate mother and by the help of father’s sperm they are able to have a child. However, as the technologies become better and more developed and we live in more advanced world, surrogacy is able in more advanced way, so that the child can be regarded also as mother’s and not only father’s. Due to in vitro fertilization, it is now possible to take out the eggs from mother, then fertilize with the sperm of father and then place it surrogate, so that she will be having the child and will carry him or her until the birth. This is a better variant for both sides because both parents who cannot have their own children now will be able to have a child and genetically be connected to her. In this sense, the surrogate mother at the time of giving the newly born child will not have difficulties while giving her to parents because she will know that genetically she is not hers. Otherwise some surrogate mothers have problems, because they need the money and that is why they accept the surrogacy but after giving birth they have the feeling of being mother and are not able to give the child to those who hired her. That is the very important reason why the in vitro fertilization is more convenient.

The parents who hired the surrogate mother will also be more convenient because they will know that they have strong genetic ties with the child and that it does not matter the space where the baby is before birth. The in vitro fertilization kind of surrogacy is legally also better. In many states like US this way of surrogacy is easier than the traditional one we all knew before.  Those women who want the help of surrogacy must find good surrogacy agency. They must also choose the surrogate mother carefully. He must have given birth already at least once to a healthy baby, she must be older than 21, because that is the legal age in most of the countries,  she must also have no mental problems and she must sign a contract where she states that she is agree with her role. Women who hire surrogate mothers must also ensure that after the baby is born all the parental rights will go to her, and that the surrogate mother will pass the baby to her. Otherwise there are cases where the surrogate mother does not give the baby to those who hired her.

You must also pay attention to the fact that surrogacy is a very expensive thing  and before trying the surrogacy just make sure that you cannot cure yourself with that sum of money you are going to pay for surrogacy.

Mostly women hire surrogate mothers because of their health problems. She may have removed her uterus, she may have diseases that will result bad on her health if she has the baby in natural way, such as heart attack, weak heart. However, there are cases where it is not about the health of a woman but her sexual orientation. In this case a woman can apply to surrogacy but here we will see other kinds of problems. IS it good for a child to be raised up and brought up in a family that may not have a father, but just two women? How in this case the child is going to differentiate who is the mother and who is the father of family. So the cases are different, but before applying to surrogacy think over the issue of giving birth on your own, if it is not possible then only try surrogacy, because anyway having children in natural way is a holy thing.