Actually this is a complicated topic, which we can endlessly talk, discuss and debate. Most of the people think that raising the baby up is more mothers’ issue than fathers. However, what if the mother earns more than the father? Who should in this case quit the job and take the daily role of raising the baby? Most of the people would still answer that mother is mother, and no one can do things better than father, in other words they underestimate the abilities of men rather than of women.
But is it so in reality? Nowadays, in 21st century we can clearly see more and more fathers who sit at home and raise the child up. So is it just a stereotype that fathers should work and mothers take care of the child or is it the right way to bring the child up.
Actually it is really important for the child to have both parents, because both take care of her or him differently and he or she gets the image of both man and woman. Studies show that those kids who had only mother, suffer more from emotional issues and eventually get on the wrong path easier than those who had both parents. This technically mean’s that father’s presence influences a lot to the growth of children.
So we think that is just a stereotype that fathers cannot take care of children. It is also somehow funny because fathers can be even better at daily issues connected to baby care than some women. It is just the matter of gender, and it does not matter father or mother both are capable of taking good care of the baby. Moreover, it would have been absolutely amazing if the parents could have had shifts on daily parenting. This is how the baby would realize dad and mom differences and be close to both of them easier.
Besides fathers are usually more fun than mothers and children like it. What children like the most about their fathers is that they are funnier to play with and funnier when it comes to daily parenting. While mothers are more careful and at the same time more boring when it comes to daily parenting.
When the babies grow up, even at that point, and even more at that point fathers become more important in daily parenting and the technique of father is I think way better than that of mother’s.
Father would allow their children to take risks, which is important to learn why the child is growing up. Mother are different they as already said, are more careful.
Mothers listen to the opinion of children less than fathers. Fathers are definitely good listeners and they try to understand the child, while if the mother thinks she is right, than there is not a big chance to change that. This has a lot to do with trust also. Fathers trust their children more than mothers do. This is connected to a difference in man’s nature and in woman’s nature.
Mothers make big deals of even very small things, while fathers win the battle with teasing. Getting teased by father makes the child irritated but at the same time he himself gives up. While in mother’s case the drama is a lot more. Mothers make things too heavier for the child and too dramatic and very often that gets on the child’s nerves and they just stand on their ground firmly.
Anyway, we think that the presence of each parent, both mother and father are absolutely important to bring up good children and one should not underestimate the role of father when it comes to parenting.