(c) Can Stock Photo / Kudryashka

Hello~ It’s nice to meet another yogi or future yogi. We are glad that more and more people are joining the tribes of yoga practices. We hope you know how beneficial yoga has and how many effective result it will have after each and every yoga session you will take. As a beginner, you now may start getting ready with knowing and learning as much as possible. And we are here to help you as much as we can.

Today, we are going to tell you some yoga poses which are the best ones to start with as a beginner.

But, before going right to the yoga poses, you should clarify for yourself what exactly you want to reach as a result. In any case, doesn’t matter whether you want to have a weight loss or just relax, we advice you to start the yoga with the following poses.

Start with the mountain pose

Mountain pose is one of the easiest ones. It’s a standing pose, where your feet are together, arms are relaxed. You are taking a deep breath and bringing your hands over your head. You are trying to stand on your fingertips, like trying to reach the sky. Bring back your hands, and then repeat again.


Continue with the Tree pose

Tree pose is a standing pose as well. For this pose you are going to stand on one leg. Here you should place the right foot sole on the left thigh (inside of it). Try to keep the balance and stand still. Bring your hands in front of you. When you are already balanced and don’t fall, take your hands above your head. Try to stay on this position for some 30 seconds. Come to the beginning position. Have a rest for 30 seconds. Now it’s turn for the other side. Repeat the same for 3- seconds again.


Try the Downward Dog yoga pose


This is a half lying pose with your hands under your shoulders and knees here should be under your hips. Now, start the pose with moving your hand some inches forward and widening your fingers. With this, try to get a V shape (inverted) and stay in this pose for 30 seconds. Inhale and exhale 3 times and deeply. After go to your previous position and have a rest for 3- seconds again.


Check out the chair pose as well

This is a standing pose, where you should put your feet a little bit apart from each other. Then, you are stretching your arms and bending as if you are sitting on the chair. This is a powerful pose for the strengthening the muscles. Continue bending and breathing deeply. Be careful not to have your knees beyond the toes. Do this several times. You can have a rest for 3- seconds and then continue with this pose if you like the idea of strengthening the muscles with the help of it.


Finish it up with the Child’s pose

Sit down on your heels. You should start this pose with rolling yourself forward, in order your head will be in front of you. After, your arms should be extended in front of you. Stay in this pose and breath. This pose is a relaxing one which helps you be relaxed both emotionally and physically.


These poses are the best ones to start with. They do not require any special preparedness of the body to them. Make sure you are inhaling and exhaling during the poses, which will give you more relaxation and rest. Try to keep an hour and spend 30 seconds on each pose and then have a 30 seconds rest after it. Finish up the yoga practice with the Child’s pose which is really amazing to be fully relaxed. After having mastered these poses, you will be able to pass to other ones as well. So enjoy it. Namaste!