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Have you noticed that it is really hard to tell lies to mothers? Even If you lie to them, this may not work, because they often feel the truth. This may also be related to maternal instinct which helps you with parenting, that you do not learn somewhere, and which comes out naturally. However, there is also mother intuition which is more about predicting. How can mother intuition be seen? This is a very deep topic, and if you want to know the truth you must conduct a special research involving many different spheres of sociology.

However let’s see what the intuition of mother is.

For example you have raised up your child and in different situation you know how to respond and you maternal intuition tells you what is right at that very situation and what is wrong. Actually this is also the reason why many mothers have problems with trusting the babysitter. They have the intuition for their child, and they know how to treat him or her, because the child is their own. While the babysitter is a stranger and may do wrong things to child.

Mothers also have kind of social intuition when it comes to their own child. This is because before becoming mom they have dealt with people. They more or less can differentiate the kind of people. This may be fallible. However, once a woman is a mother she immediately gains an intuition which tells her which person is good for the child and which one is not good at all. This is really something extremely valuable. It helps to keep the child away from annoying and envy people and surround him or her with the nicest ones.

Actually it is hard to explain what intuition is. It is quite a mystical phenomenon. Some people do not even believe in intuition. They say that intuition does not exist in reality, and that it is just made out by crazy people. In reality intuition does exist. This special feeling is given not only to mothers, but to fathers as well. Even those who are not parents can have really strong intuition. It is something that you feel by heart.

So now what mom should do if her intuition tells her something? I would say she must believe. At least she must check. Always trust and follow your intuition mothers. This can be fatal.

Mother intuition can even help doctors. For example if he or she suspect something related to the child, then she definitely must tell doctors about her worries, because her intuition can be quite right and may also help the doctors finding out lots of things about your child.

Mother intuition can also save lives and if the child is grown up and he or she gets an advice from the mother, then definitely the child should take the mom’s advice into consideration. It gets on children’s nerves when mom gets too stubborn, but sometimes it is really all about her intuition, and she cannot help it. It is her duty to warn about the things she feels.

So what we think is that intuition in general is something which strongly exists in women. This is definitely more feminine feeling or phenomenon than masculine, even though some men are gifted with this as well. Once the woman becomes a mother, she faces lots of changes in her life, and her intuition happens to be even stronger and more reliable. It is even more when it comes to the things related to her child. She feels that all. So all we have to do is to always listen to mother’s intuition.

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