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The hair care and attention is extremely important for every single person. Lice is a quite common thing for many people unfortunately. This happens when lice crawl into your head and start inhabiting there. The children usually are more inclined to have this kind of problem than adults. There are several ways because of which the person can have lice in head. One of the ways is that the people’s head can touch on the head of the other person and this is how the person can be infected with lice. This can also happen if you share the comb or personal items with the person who is infected. Lice can also be transferred to the person if you use combs, headbands, hats and headphones. The lice can also live in furniture, towels and clothing as well.

Anyway you have to be really careful when it comes to the use of personal items because it can be the real reason of lice infection in your hair. It is very difficult to get rid of lice.

The elementary and preschool have the highest risk for lice infections, because they share many things together and the risk is really high that they will get the lice infection. However, no matter how old you are, the lice infection is anyway something very unpleasant which can make you really uncomfortable. You cannot appear on public, because when you appear then your lice may obviously be seen on hair, which will put you in shameful and uncomfortable situation.

The symptoms of lice can be the scalp itchiness, sores and scabs or have the feeling as if something crawling on your skin. If you have this kind of problem, you do not have to worry about it much. Soon or less you will be able to get rid of this kind of problem. The bad thing about the lice problem in head is that it takes a long time to completely get rid of them, but it is quite possible.

You can get rid of lice from in your hair by the help of special chemicals. These chemicals are the Pyrethrin, Malathion or Benzyl alcohol, which definitely will help you to get rid of the unwanted lice in your hair. These are quite effective means to fight against the lice, just because they make the lice die. When they lice die, they will also fall out of your hair and thus will make things much better for you.

If you want to avoid the use of chemicals, then you can definitely use the lice comb. You just have to apply olive oil to your hair and then comb it.

These are the 2 most common ways to get rid of the lice in your hair. Actually, many people just cut the hair short. This can also be quite helpful if you want to get rid of lice easier. In case of having long hair it will be a little bit more timing.

You should also watch out your personal items and comb, because these are the things that are extremely important when it comes to lice and the quality of hair.

Just make sure you follow hygiene, comb your hair only with your comb and do not touch your head to the head of other person. In this case there will be almost no risk that you will have lice. Anyway, if you got it, there is no need to worry much. Just use the methods we told you about and after some time you will get rid of them.