Zodiac entails the concept of 12 segments of astrological longitude that encircles the Sun. Zodiac is Latin for a circle of animals, and the Babylonians created this chart to predetermine any person’s character.

Individuals classified as Leos are the fifth zodiac sign coming before the Virgo sign, and their birth dates span from July 23rd till August 22nd. They are part of the fire elemental signs, and Leo’s animal spirit is the Lion. Leos are ruled by the Sun, explaining why Leos loves to be the center of admiration. 

Leo’s are charming, funny, welcoming, and protective. Leo’s love to feel indispensable, as though they are the center of the universe. When they find themselves in leadership positions, they are fearless, passionate, and well-mannered. 

Personalities of Leo

  1. A Leo would never turn down an opportunity to be in charge of a group of persons. It’s as though they were born ready to lead, and their dense regal carriage sweeps everyone else in line. At times this confidence of theirs can come across as arrogance or a ‘know all’ attitude.
  2. A Leo is noble and goes all out as a hero for those in need. He almost always assumes the position of a boss in all his relationships. Leos can be very possessive, jealous, and controlling, but they are very sweet at heart.
  3. Leos are smart, intelligent, and wise. With all they have experienced, they are quick to give advice that may not have been sought. They have a soft spot for the weak and stick up their necks for those in need. They feel responsible for the vulnerable, and this is one of their most outstanding qualities.
  4. Whatever they do, the Lions are sure to make it the biggest and best. They will not allow any hindrances to stop what they had intended. They naturally see no reason why they should get to play or accept second fiddle. If you are on their side, you are sure to benefit from all they attain.
  5. Leos have an inbuilt desire for extravagance and unparalleled flair. They command the attention of every audience they speak with and keep their audience enchanted with every joke or tale such that they receive a standing ovation by the time they are done.
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Which Sign Best Aligns with Leos?

Leos are very energetic, and with the same intensity with which they plunge into their jobs, they can delve into the recess of many of their admirers. They take flirting as an adventure. Their spontaneity and risk-taking nature make them desirous of ‘hot sex.’

The hot tip for hot sex for Leo is Aquarius. The Leo and Aquarians are complete reverses of each other. While the water-signed Aquarians view life as a logical puzzle, the Lion lives with his heart and trusts in the best.  When these two signs come together, they sense each other’s strength, and like lightning, they couple. An Aquarius is seemingly the best sign to be married to a Leo.

Who Are Leos Most Compatible With?

  • Aries 

The fiery Aries placed side by side with a Leo is a bond that would last the test of time. They have similar energies and personalities that would enable them to pull through the most unlikely situations. The Aries is loyal and willing to compromise to keep his relationship going, and this will do nicely for our Leo.

  • Sagittarius

Like the Leo, the Sagittarius is an awesome fire sign that can withstand the Lion. They have similar optimism, focus, and trust in life. Together they can achieve incredible feats and adorn each other with love and respect. A Sagittarius is a second-best fit for a Leo.

 Who Are Leos Least Compatible With?

  • Taurus 

A union between a rigid Taurean and a Fiery Leo is bound to be a day in hell. They are both firm and unyielding about their views. They both wish to be given love and compliments rather than provide the same to others. This is the reason why coming to a compromise can be a tug of war for both. From the beginning, it will be obvious that this union was not destined to last very long.

  • Scorpios 

Speaking of the Titans’ clash, here it is; a Scorpio and a Leo in matrimony. The Scorpio loves to be in control, and Leo would firmly resist this. The Leo loves the spotlight, as does the Scorpio. There is bound to be a daily struggle for power which would not be healthy for a home.

Leos Love and Sex Life 

When the subject bothers on sex, Leos are very dynamic; they can try out anything as long as it feels good to them. Then coming to lifelong commitment, Leo’s would tend to go for any partner who wouldn’t challenge their authority. One who would allow them the freedom they need to lead. Being ever merry and carefree, whoever wishes to marry Leo must be able to keep up and bear with his risk-taking tendencies.

What Leo Likes

  • Excessive Praise

This might also be called Leo’s weakness; they seek praise like they have an innate meter that must be filled. From a ravaging Lion, a Leo could be turned into a purring kitten with just the right type and quantity of flattery. They so much love to be extolled and adored by people.

  • Loyalty 

Leos are very dedicated to their friends and would always go the extra mile to help a friend in need. In the same vein, they appreciate friends who are loyal to them. Friends who can take risks on their behalf and protect Leo when he is at his weakest.

  • Protecting their loved ones

Even when a Lion is afraid in his heart, he would still protect his family. Not minding the odds that have been set against him, he doggedly holds his ground and charges at the danger. More often than not the Leo is backed by luck, and his brave heart is rewarded with the respect and admiration of his family.

  • Looking good

A Leo can invest a fortune to keeping himself trimmed and in shape. To him, his looks are one of his greatest assets. His hair, skin, clothes, ride e.t.c must be on point to impress his numerous admirers.

  • Defiling Risks

Leos are the pro at risk-taking. They courageously undertake tasks that most persons dread, and they are most times successful at the end. Despite their risk-taking nature, Leo isn’t one to spend excessively or squander his resources because that would amount to foolishness as far as he is concerned.

  • Counseling

As an expression of their inner desire to protect those whom they love, Leos could be very generous with giving counsel. They do not wish for harm to befall the persons they love, and hence they kindly dole out wisdom in words of advice.

What Leo Dislikes

  • Lack of Activity

 A Leo does not do well when there is nothing to do. They relish the abundance of things to be done on their schedule. Even when they have to take a break from work, they find adventurous sporting most refreshing. After they have engaged in the dramatic leisure activity, they relax and treat themselves to enough pampering.

  • Submission 

For a Leo, it is preferable if he leads rather than submits to someone else’s ideas and opinions. Motivational speeches are also definitely not for Leos because a great many of them are self-driven. They perceive taking instructions as undignifying and do all they can to be independent.

  • Being dependent on others

A Leo has his pride to protect, so even when things are rough with him, his perception of his self-worth causes him to work extra hard rather than accept loans. The Leos live within their self-built system and sustain all they have without asking favors from those around them.

  • Pettiness

Wickedness and pettiness are not part of the characteristics of a Leo. They would not think of harming anyone in these wise, but if people close to them get hurt, they confront the offender and defend the weak.

  • Time wastage

It’s unlike Leo to waste time and resources on activities that have no relevance or wouldn’t benefit him. Even when they go out of their way to assist others, they know they would be appreciated for their actions and for a Leo that would soothe him well enough. 

How To Attract The Leo Man

A Leo man loves to be worshipped as a king, so if you pay close attention to him, admire him, accord him full respect, admire and dedicate yourself to him, you are sure to win his heart. Complimenting a Leo man, giving him unopposed access to his headship would, in return, earn his lover the Leos protection. 

How To Attract The Leo Woman

 A Leo woman would only be won by a great deal of time and patience. She would only have a romantic and wealthy man, for with his wealth and attention, she can feel loved and as though she were queen of his empire.