(c) Can Stock Photo / alphaspirit
We may always discuss that there are those special people who have special skills, thus become leaders in this or that sphere. However, if reading those articles stating that only people who have those skills and knowledge can become true leaders, don’t hurry up with making a decision. If you want to exclude yourself from those list of leaders, we repeat it again: stop and read us before doing that.
Here is a serious thing that we are announcing: leaders are everywhere and leadership is for everyone. Either you are at school studying something you don’t want to, or you are at the job you don’t find yourself totally involved and interested in, there is still a chance.
Here is a prove why is leadership for everyone:
- A famous statement: it is never too late
There is no exact time for anything, except NOW. If you are 50 years old, there is no other right time and there was no other time that you missed your chance. 50 years old is the exact time for starting it. Doesn’t matter whether you want to open a café or restaurant, open a new business or travel the world, or change something in your community: NOW is the best time. Never think that things are passed and lost, never think of missing a chance. Every time you think of it, remember that it is never too late to do what you really want to. Who knows, maybe you were born for doing exactly that thing at that age, at that moment. So, never give up on the dreams and wishes just because you think you won’t manage.
- It is always the time to learn
Many people are finding themselves at the moment of the life, when comparing themselves with others they understand that lack this or that knowledge and skill. Remember this one as well: it is never too late to study. Doesn’t matter whether you lack a very important skill for a leadership, you can always fill the gap. It is never too early or too late for studying a new language, new culture, new subject. In other words: ANYTHING. On the contrary, leaders are the ones who always study and never stop in that. Don’t be afraid of the gaps, but of escaping filling those gaps with knowledge and experience.
- The only person to be compared with is you
As a conclusion for the second point: the only person you should compare yourself to is yourself. Never estimate your skills or the experience according to the comparison with others. Even if someone could manage to do more in his or her age: you never know who, how and what he/she did for it. The only person you should be compared is you in your past. If you see yourself in the same place, this is where you should start working harder and harder. Here It comes: you understand that leadership is for everyone, when you try it out as well.
- Everyone can be a leader – at least of his own life
After all, we all have our lives: some have complicated lives, others are living as light as possible. But the matter of the fact is that we all are leaders in a sphere: home and family, friends, community or business and job. We all are being responsible for some things; we all are being respected for doing this or that thing. It all matters where do we take it? Do we want to go further with it and developing it, or we are totally okay with what we have? After all, leadership is not to be forced as a responsibility, it is someone wishing to be in it.
Here it comes: leadership is for everyone – but you still need to make a decision whether you want to be a leader or not. In other words – it is all about the choice. And it is always all about the choices that we make in life, with our education, job, family, friends. We always make choices: all we have to do is to know that whatever we are doing is done by our choice. And even if you are somehow being afraid of doing a step and becoming a leader: remember – leadership is for everyone, but becoming a leader is your choice. So, good luck with making a choice and soothing your path into the life you wish to have.