(c) Can Stock Photo / Hootie2710

We know that nerves are all over our body and they have a lot to do with everything that happens in our organism. Of course it is quite understandable that if you are in nervous or stressful situation then for sure, your hair will feel it. Every stressful situation has a lot to do with the general conditions of your nerves. The impacts of stress or depression can be many in number. It is scientifically proved that when the person is in stress or depression the hormone called cortisol starts to get produced even more. This in its turn means that it will lead to oily skin, hair quality, finger quality, acne and many other things. Today we will discuss the impact of stress on your hair. If you want to have good hair you should definitely avoid stress because it can directly affect the hair and can have a huge impact on your health.

  • Actually there are many reasons why people can lose their hair. The number one reason overall, remains the stress or depression. The thing is that stress more than anything else directly affects on hair dropping process. Hair dropping can also be caused by many other factors, that will cause hair drop, however stress is the most obvious one of them.
  • Besides the hair loss, there is also a huge possibility that because of stress you will make your hair thinner. It is quite easy to guess and to understand that the hair thinning has a lot to do with the stress. If you make your hair long, this problem will become even worse and worse. So actually if you face some kind of stress or depression, then the best thing to do is to cut your hair a bit, because long hair make the hair thinner.
  • Besides the problem related to thinning and hair loss, you will also have the problem of having grey or white hair. This is a sign of not only ageing but also if having some depression or stress. So if you do not want to look older and have white or grey hair earlier, than you should, then of course you should keep your nerves safe and sound.
  • Another consequence of stress on hair can make the fact that hair get oily during stress. If you take any stress or depression, you will most likely notice that you hair get oily. This is again because of the stress hormone that becomes more when you are stressed.


So actually these were the top issues that your hair can face in face you are having this or that kind of problem and take stress or depression.

Of course the best kind of solution for this kind of problem is just getting rid of stress as soon as possible. During this period you should also take special care of your hair, apply mask and other things which definitely can help you a lot. So just pay attention to hair more when you are stressed, be more optimistic and try to forget about the stress as soon as possible. These are all the things that can benefit you in this case. Just make sure that you do not harm your whole organism not only hair, because of the stress.