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When it comes to evaluating the employees, the HR managers are having quite a lot of worries. It usually most likely is connected with the event when you decide to fire this or that employee. Well, this obviously a difficult decision which you make, but even more difficult becomes the exact moment of telling about that decision. With the help of these several tricks we are here to help you out from that situation and handle it as needed.

  1. First thing to do is evaluate the worker carefully. Make sure you are not firing him/her because of the personal disliking. Make a list of the things that the employee wasn’t able to accomplish for which he was responsible for. Does the list showing you an objective and fair result why that person should be fired? Good, that is important to know for future company standards and guidelines that it has.
  2. Second to do is giving some kind of small hints to the employee. If the worker is doing something wrong, but Is a good professional, make sure you are not just firing, but talking to him and learning which is the reason he/she can’t go into the work totally. If there are some technical issues which disturb you – like, being late from the job, try to tell the employee and warn about the possible results of that. In reality, no one deserves to be fired in one day, so make sure you are warning enough times before firing.
  3. If, after all, the employee doesn’t satisfy the work requirements and you are going to fire him, then arrange a meeting. Again, make sure the employee knows, if not in 100%, but at least in 50% that it is connected with the firing. Telling that news right at the meeting would be a shock for him, that is why suspecting about it beforehand would be a better option.
  4. Take your list to the meeting- the one that you have made for knowing the things that didn’t satisfy the work requirements. Make sure to tell all of the points to the employee, letting him know that you have tried hard on this, by warning several times, asking not to be late (for example) and even evaluating him carefully. Let the employee know that you are really objective and fair when making the decision. Though, usually you won’t be able to convince that you are fair, as employees usually know it best. But, anyways, all you have to do is to be fair in your job and this is what you are going to do.
  5. Be ready for questions – As you are firing an employee, he may ask a lot of questions starting from the reasons to giving a second chance or some issues connected with the contract signed etc. Try to learn the answers of all the possible questions before going to the meeting. If you are strict on firing the person, maybe it would be more inconvenient for both of you to meet another times for other questions. If there is another section in the company, the employee can move into, let him know. If you don’t find him a good fit at all, but he suggests his candidacy in another company, make sure you again know an answer for this. Answering that “We’ll consider this” or “Will think about this” will give another hope to the employee which won’t be satisfied. It is better to know these answers beforehand and answer them honestly.
  6. Being fired is a hard time, so be patient. If you have fired someone during a very important period in his life, that may be very shocking for him and may force him talk and argue more than needed. Remember about this: you are changing the life of a person. This means any reaction may be expected and the only wise thing to do is listening and not arguing. If the employee is continually saying bad things, make sure you are not answering them or are politely asking not to continue. Your goal is to help him leave the job without any offends, so be as polite and patient as you can.

We hope that those tricks will be of a huge help when firing someone. One should be psychologically prepared for firing someone, so make sure you are reading and getting yourself ready to that event, before firing. Hope you will find a new great employee and hope that the one who was fired will find a job, where he/she will be able to show the most of what he can do. Good luck to both of you.