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If your company is in need of a knowledgeable, experienced, trustworthy professional, you will of course start searching one. However, sometimes doesn’t matter how concrete your announcement of the job will be, people will apply for it, even if they do not correspond to it. In order to pass through this process easier, you can define exactly what are your requirements. These requirements and know exactly what they are will be of a great help during the process of applicant selection.

So start from the announcement writing process and be clear with your requirements. We suggest, that along with the ones that you have, you also include the following ones:

  1. Application

Well, this sounds pretty simple, however it’s not all about application. It’s more about what is included into it. If you are searching someone with exact experience, make sure you put the requirement that this or that experience or education should be mentioned in application. If you have no interest in reading some additional info on the volunteer jobs (which are very important though) or some training participations, then mention it. This will make both of your and the applicants job easier: you won’t spend much time searching for an info and will find the one that you need. The applicant, in his turn won’t spend much time on the info that he knows you don’t want to.

  1. Special details

If you are searching someone special, creative and you have additional requirements, make sure you have everything sited in your job announcement. Imagine, you are searching for a creative agent, but are putting announcement as follows: We are searching for a creative agent, send us your applications. Well, let’s say this is not creative at all. If you don’t totally describe whom you want and what features that person should have, you will get millions of letters with the most different applications. And, let’s be honest, the only one to blamed for that is you.


  1. Motivation letter

It’s already a common known fact, that in most of the companies, people don’t even read the application of the future employee. What has a huge role is the motivation letter. However, again, if you wish to get something special you need to give some guidance, according to which motivation letter should be written. Ask yourself: do you value more the professional skills? Or do you also want to get a perfect, kind, always helping and caring employee? Mention that somehow in your job announcement, so that the applicant will directly talk only about the professional skills, or only about the motivation in this or that field. Neither the applicant, nor especially you want to lose time on doing a job in vain.


  1. Reference letter

If you are serious about knowing the person you are going to work with, you will also need to get some reference letters. However, this makes the task even more difficult as you should start clarifying more things here. Make sure you include info on what should exactly be mentioned in reference letter. First thing you don’t want to is to have a tale about someone who is amazing, and what you don’t need most is spending your time reading couple of pages about that amazing (even if that person is amazing in reality, that is tiresome). Second, you don’t also want to have a sample of a reference letter which can be written by anyone for anyone and signed by anyone. So, make sure to clarify exactly which kind of reference letter you want to.

  1. Specify if your announcement is for people with starting experience

If you don’t want to get bunch of applications both from professionals and startup experienced ones, you should clarify that as well. If you want to hire someone with less experience, mention it, so that the experienced one won’t send application. After all, it is a business world and you won’t like your company to have non-professional announcement and spend time of the professionals in their field.


If you want to find someone who will continue working with you for many years and will become a loyal employee of your company, you have got to work for that. Writing and sending application is difficult, however it always starts with the announcement. If you make it right you will catch the attention of the right people and will have the success in your pocket just after several steps. So, good luck in creating the job announcement and finding your employee.

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