(c) Can Stock Photo / AndreyPopov
If you are gone through that difficult process of reading each and every application and now have chosen the ones who will come to an interview, you should know: you still have a lot to do. Here is coming the preparation process. It is usually known that the ones who are going to be interviewed are going to get prepared, however you as well should do so. The questions that you choose and the way you will pass the interview will help you identify that person whom you are searching for. To help you out with this we have prepared 5 questions that can be asked to the applicants:
- What are you currently studying?
If you are interviewing someone who has just left a job or is still studying, this question is exactly for them. However, ask them exactly what they study expect the college courses. This question does not require to be answered as: psychology studies or math. With this question you want to know the hobbies of the employee. Is he reading a book currently? or learning any new language? This is a great question to know the attitude of the applicant towards learning and how ready that person is to further self-development and self-education.
- The last problem you solved or fixed?
Ask the applicant whether he / she remembers which was the last problem difficulty that they were faced. Either he will find the difficulty and answer the question, which will give you the opportunity to analyze his steps and them being right or wrong, or they won’t remember anything. However, this is another difficult situation they should find a way from, so you can see what the applicant will do in that situation and see more vividly what can do that person. At least, saying that This is their last difficult situation from which they are going to find this solution will show the creativity of the applicant.
- Have you worked in the team before and who were you there?
It is not of secret that team works are great, where however some work some escape that work, some control the work and some want to reach the equality in the team. By asking which was the applicants role there you are not directly asking about the dominance, you are letting the applicant to answer himself. If the employee is not going to work individually, knowing the answer to this question is essential. As the employee is going to work in a team, it Is useful to know whether he/she likes controlling the whole team or will be able to work equally with others and have no dominant role in the group.
- What did you like most in your previous job (if had one)?
Let the employee talk about the positive things that were in the previous job. This will help you understand the attitude of the applicant towards working at all. If he/she finds not a single positive thing to tell about the job, that will give you a base for thinking. And the opposite, if the applicant tells more positive things then needed, and doesn’t mention any proper explanation for leaving it, then maybe you should consider thinking once again about hiring him/her or not. However, if the applicant tells you some of the positive things and some of the negative things (objective ones) which were the reason for leaving the job, you will understand him better. That is to say:
- You’ll understand his/her attitude towards working
- Whether he/she is objective about criticizing or praising something
- Which are your priorities
This question is another one, helping you understand what priorities the employee has. If the applicant is mentioning for example, earning a lot of money, that’s somehow describing it all. Though, we all want to earn a lot of money, however in the company you would most probably appreciate other priority wishes, rather the ones which are too personal. Having said that, you would like that person to seek to self-development, learning new things and always working on self –development. This is how he/she will become a good leader, bringing profits to your company.
Those 5 easy questions will help you understand the applicant better and make that process of decision making easier. So, don’t spend much time on thinking on it, just go on and ask those questions. Good luck!