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Friends and family are the two most important things in everyone’s life. It is really hard to imagine a person, who does not want to be surrounded by friends and by family members. Friends and family are the ones who you want to be surrounded with, and it does not really matter whether you are a kid or adult. When it comes to the relations such as family or friends, we all really want to be surrounded by these people, and we want them get along with each other really good. However, I am sure you know that not everything that we think is good and we think that we can have, we really have. We have many friends and we have our own families. So are the children. Children have their parents and also have their own friends. Even the children want to see their parents like their friends, and their friends like and respect his or her parents. However, not always we can see that parents like the friends of their children. This may be simply a wrong thing by the parent, or may have its serious reason. So now let’s see how the parents should treat the children of their friends.
- Actually all that the parents need to do, if they do not know the friend of the child very well, they have to watch out the friend. They have to watch out the behavior of the friend and see how they play with each other, or how they interact. If the parent did not notice anything bad or weird, then it is completely okay to let the child spend time with the friend.
- Very often the parents judge the friend of the child by the family. They know the parents of the child’s friend and they do not like them. Very often because of this, the parents do not let the children spend time with each other. Of course, the family has a huge impact on the child, but if you do not approve the friendship not because of bad behavior, but because of the family background, then you have to change this. Just imagine whether you would like it, if the same thing happened to your son or daughter. So the discrimination by family background is not really nice.
- If the discrimination is based on the financial status of the family of your child’s friend, then this is completely unacceptable. The children from very young age should be surrounded by different people, which will let him see many things. So being surrounded by rich and poor, by clever and stupid, makes the child really clever and smart. Besides, this it is not a fair attitude to the friend of your child.
- If you really like the friend of the child, then you can make friends with him or her. Making friends with the friends of the children, will allow you to pay more attention to your child. You child may keep some secrets, while you may want to know everything because you are a parent and you are curious. This will really work well. You can somehow learn the secrets from the friends of your child, if you win their trust.
- For the last, we would really like you to recommend becoming friends with the family of your child’s friend. There would be nothing better than this for your child. You can have lots of fancy family and friend time together, which every children I am sure likes a lot. So if you have this opportunity just use it as much as you can.
So as you see the regulation of the relation between your child and the friends of your child is not an easy one. It becomes even much more complicated if you do not really like the friend that much. If you noticed that the friend of your child has a negative impact on your child, than for sure you will have to try to minimize their contacts and should explain your child why. However, in general you have to treat the friends nice and show them respect and care. This will help you to make your children happier and also to know more about them.