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it is very important for every single one of us to be given the right to choose. If you are not given the right to choose, then you lose the ownership of your own life and your life becomes not yours. This is something that none of us wants to see and witness. We all want to have freedom to choose what to do, with who to go with, what to wear and many simple staff. However freedom and the right to choose is much more than that. There are more serious situations in life, where people have to decide by themselves and no one has the right to interfere in that choice. Actually this comes to the children as well. If the child is used to making own choices since his or her childhood, then he will be quite successful person because it is necessary and essential to have own opinion and act in terms of that opinion.

  • Some people say that children are children and they should not be allowed to take big decisions over their own lives even. This is true because there are many things children do not understand when they are still children. However, from the other side there is a huge risk that the parents cannot understand what children need in reality and this may affect the life of children later on. Some of the parents think that they know what the child needs. However, some most often it is not what the child really needs, but what they want the child to need. There is huge difference in that. To overcome this situation the parents should be blunt. They know for sure what their children like to do. If they know this they should make decisions based on that and not their own wish or aspirations.
  • Of course there are some cases where parents should decide instead of children. These cases are many in number when the child is still a kid. However, if you really want to your child be able to make decisions, then you should let him have its own small choices. For example when you are doing shopping, just pay attention what your son or daughter likes. If you are buying him or her shirt, let him choose his or her favorite color or the picture on the shirt. This will help your son or daughter to get oriented easier and once they get older they can make more serious decisions by themselves.
  • In order to be able to accept that your child has the right to choose , you have to understand one simple thing. You will not always be by your child’s side, and you will not be always able to make decisions for him or her. The child has to be able to make own decisions, in order to be able to survive in this world.
  • Besides this, what you choose for your child may be something which is very good, but it may not make your child happy. So is there a sense to choose something which your child will do without pleasure, and may be later on he or she will blame you for the choice.

As you see there are many reasons that allow us to understand that children should be given the right to choose. If you give them the right to choose then they will picture their own life themselves. Of course parents can give them advices always. They can always voice their own point of view. However, if you really want you child be successful and be able to live his or her own life, then you just have to listen to the child’s voice and let him or her choose. Just remember you as a child. Would you like to be given the chance to choose? Most of the time you may say, no but you can say also yes. The thing is that we do not assume that all the serious decisions should be made by child. However, you should listen to the child and if it is possible you should let them make own decisions, because the right to choose is very important.

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