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It is always difficult to keep the deadlines especially if those deadlines are the responsibilities of your employees. If you are the one who is finding the clients and taking the tasks and giving them to the employees, you should always take care for the employees to meet those deadlines. However, in some of the cases this would be a difficult thing, as employees don’t have a direct connection with the clients.
So, in order to organize this in a better way and have your employees meeting the deadlines, you should follow these steps:
Create separate deadlines for the employees
In case you are having the deadline at the end of the month, make sure you are not telling that exact date to your employees. There are two things that can happen and that you have to take into account:
- First of all, your employees may not manage to finish up the task at the exact time. If you are trying to be friendly with the employees, this may seem to be a reason for delaying doing the task. You can never be sure, because it is not you that is implementing the task. Besides, even if the employees are trying to manage it, there can be tasks, the implementing of which requires not only efforts of the employees, but also is connected with other factors. So, you should take into account as well.
- And secondly, even if your employees are responsible enough and finish up the task at the arranged time, you can never be sure that it will be the way of implementing that the client required. Every task can have some parts which will need to be re-done in order to get the needed result.
Taking into account these two reasons, you should start with telling the deadline to your employees 10 days before the exact deadline. This will give you a chance to correct everything if needed. If everything is done properly, though, you will still have 10 days for making it better, or doing other things. In other words, in both cases you never lose.
Put the deadlines into your schedule
Most of the times people may forget about the deadlines, especially if those are not their direct responsibilities. That is why you’d better put an alarm with the deadline days, which will let you know how many days you have left. Let your employees do the same, in order to be always ready and in the working mood.
Arrange the job and plan it
Planning the work that should be done is an important task. First of all, you should start with organizing the way the tasks should be implemented. If the work should be done by a team, make sure you are choosing the right people to work together and giving them the right tasks. Constantly check them to see if they are doing the job equally and the team is totally into the working process. Make sure each member of the team knows his/ her own responsibilities and is doing everything to keep the deadline you all have.
Set deadline for each part of the task
If the task has different parts to be implemented, make sure you are setting deadlines for each of them. Count the most important ones, the ones that will require more time to be implemented then the other, smaller ones. Put several deadlines and cross the tasks whenever you are done with that. This will both show you clearly what is done and what is left, and also will motivate to continue with the same temp.
Work hard on the task
If you have the feeling that you or the team don’t manage to meet the deadlines, start working hard on that. This will sound much easier, then done, however, it is important to objectively assess the situation and understand your way of working. Make sure you are evaluating the work done in the middle of the working process and try to analyze whether you will finish it up and meet the deadline or not. If the half of the given time is passed and you haven’t done even the half of the task, then you should rather reorganize the way of your working. It may be difficult, but in some cases you should also force yourself working on weekends, or spend a little bit more time after your working hours are finished. This is of course, not obligatory, however will help you keep the deadlines.
In case you are not meeting the deadline
If after all of the steps you implemented, and you still feel like you are unable to meet the deadlines, make sure you are speaking out. Telling about it is a way better solution then keeping silent till the last day of the deadline. In case you are not meeting the deadlines, your HR manager may add more people to the team and they will help you. In all of the cases, telling that beforehand and solving the problem inside the company is a better decision, then telling the client that the task is not implemented
We hope that these tricks will help you keep your deadlines and have more and more successes in all of the tasks that you are implementing. Make sure you are working hard and we are sure you will be able to meet your deadlines. Good luck and enjoy your work!