(c) Can Stock Photo / Boygointer

We have already talked about the email marketing and some tricks you should know in order to attract more and more clients. Those were of course helpful tips, however you should also get to knowing some details about the email marketing, starting from the exact content, writing style of the letter. So, today we are going to discuss the text of the letter you should write in order to totally accomplish the goal of your letter and bring more clients to your company. For this you will have to:

Personalize your letter

You can just start with Hello and go on with what you want to say. Or, if you want to build better conversation, you can go on with hello and the name to whom it refers to and write “hope everything is going great’ or if you are writing on Monday (and you know how people hate Mondays) you can go on with telling hope you are having a good Monday or hope your week will start with a great Monday. Those kind of short remarks about the fact that you care about their day is important. The one to whom you write your letter to will surely get more engaged into knowing what you want from him or her, rather than if you just said Hello.

Priority is first, catchiness is the second

If you want your reader to be engaged into the letter, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to use every single word in order to make it catchy. That is to say using non relevant words in order to reach the result is not usually admitted as to be one and only option. It is better if you start with your main goal. What is your priority? what do you really want to reach as a result of the email sending? include that information at the beginning. You can always use those catchy words during telling the main information, but they should never be more than the information itself. In other words, you should catch the attention of the reader at the same time giving some info on the topic.

Use the Second person in the letter

Try to bring it to more close conversation by using the second person. By saying “you” and “your” and talking directly to the email receiver you are bringing the whole conversation to a new level. So try to talk to the person, be polite but at the same time try to build that conversation on a friendly tone. Talk About the benefits of your offer most of the times email marketing is used in order to offer something. Doesn’t matter whether it is a sale, product, event, service – you usually offer something. And in order to convince or just show the receiver why he/ she should admit your offer, you should show some examples, bring benefits, talk about its advantages. Those benefits can be written in points, you can just mention about them by names and not go deeper with that. In any case, the receiver will get more interested into the things you offer, when reads about its benefits.

Try to be brief

With all of the information we have just said you should include it is also important to be brief. You may now wonder how can you keep it brief if you have to include so much into the letter. But, well you should to, because many people won’t just continue reading the two pages of your letter. Honestly, who has that much times to spend on reading a letter from an unknown person? no one. So with all of the other things together, you should also be brief and short.

The use of actionable language – The use of visuals for call to actions

The other important part of your email is the visuals that you will or won’t use in your email. visuals are really important for catching the eye of the receiver and bring him or her to some exact steps. Let’ s imagine you want the receiver to go to your website and purchase something. Just writing “check our website” may work, however, if you try to make that even more beautiful through visual effects and by adding some image appearance to it, that may work better. Try to include call to action visuals, images, short videos, or anything else that may help the reader to like something or to go for something because he or she likes that visually. In other words, when you finish up with words, you should make sure that the eyes of the receiver are also convinced in what you offer. In this case, the possibility is huge enough that they will follow your call to action and will go to the place where you wanted them to reach.

So, go with being as creative as you can here. Using the most creative and unique versions of call to actions are really important. Do not just do what others are creating, create your own. You can connect the visuals with the information of the letter, with the topic and niche. This will bring even more interest to the letter and its further steps.

As you see writing a letter is not just about writing some words and sending, it is more than that. Conducting a letter requires time, energy, creativity, knowledge of the language (because the letter has to be maximum correct and without and mistakes/ errors). All of these together create a letter which can bring so much of help to your company. So, don’t stop there, work better and you won’t even notice how the number of your clients increased.