(c) Can Stock Photo / dolgachov

(c) Can Stock Photo / dolgachov

You all know that prenatal sport and exercises are extremely important both for the baby and for the mother as well. You know that there are quite many kinds of sports that women can do in order to stay fit during pregnancy and in order to be healthy. That is the reason why we have to be really careful with prenatal exercises and sports. Of course prenatal exercises help the pregnant women in many aspects, but it can have the opposite affect also. The issue is that prenatal exercises and sports can have extremely negative impact as well. That is why you should know what kind of exercises to do and when to do these exercises.  So when it comes to prenatal exercises you have to know that you have to be careful with the choice of exercises and sport. Of course you should skip the exercises that will harm your belly and will put too much pressure on it. The ones that require being too active, will also definitely harm you. So all you have to do at first, is choosing the right kind of sports for your prenatal period and then do this exercises properly. You also have to choose the time and the intervals of sport. So this means that you have to decide how intense to do sport when you are pregnant.

In this article we will teach you what to do and how intense to work out during pregnancy so as to be really healthy and fit.

First of all you have to set the time when you want to work out. In our previous articles we already told you that the best time to work out is the evening. At the evening you will already have enough calories, and working out will help to burn them and besides you will get tired and sleep better which is definitely very important for pregnant women.

Besides this, you understand that intensity is not very good for pregnancy. The thing is that you should slow down during the last stage of your pregnancy because working out too intense may bother your baby and may put too much pressure.

When it comes to intensity and to intervals, we have to tell you that this depends on the month of your pregnancy.  During the very first stage you can be quite active and energetic, you can do sports more intensively. This means that you can do sports every single day. Then when it comes to the second stage of development of your pregnancy, you have to think objectively and you have somehow make the exercises less often and less intense. This means that instead of working out every day you should have 3 days’ work out per week. You can work out for a few hours, but you have to take rest and take some breaks. At the very last stage of pregnancy you will have to do all the exercises very calm and very safe. This means that you have to be very watchful to all your movements, not to jump and run. This is very important for the baby and for you as well. You can work out again 3 times per week , but make it easier and not so intense with movements and actions.

Some women unfortunately are used to having quite intense work-outs and when they are pregnant they just cannot stop. They still continue very intense prenatal exercises which causes some health problems and even pain. That is the reason why we tell you that you should be very careful when you think about intensity.

Anyway prenatal exercises and sports are magic if you choose the right time and the right intensity. Just make sure that you did everything in right way. Make sure that you did the right exercises and the right kind of sport. Actually what we think is best for you, is to change the kind of sport you are doing all the time during pregnancy. You will be able to work different muscles which will make you more toned and well prepared for labor.

Take care and think about how intense you do the prenatal exercises.