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It always seems to be easy: you made thousands of interviews, have the chosen the employee and finished. Many of us would like to have that finish, when you just choose the employee and he starts working for you, becomes the professional of his job and stays with you. However, let’s agree on this question, that this happens only in fairy tales. In a real world, after some years of practice and experience (not in all of the cases, of course) people who tend to reach to something bigger, would start searching for anything else. And this is somehow natural. Why? Because we all are searching for some development, new communications, we all are sometimes getting tired of what we have.
We also agree that knowing that your employee Is searching for a new job makes a weird situation where you don’t really know what to do. In order to help you out from the situations like this, we have prepared a small guide which will give you some step by step advice to follow for.
Start with a conversation
When you learn that your employee is searching for a new job you have 2 options of reaction: either you can say that “okay” and let him find and leave the job, or start a conversation. Obviously, we are for the second option. Saying that, if you really appreciate your employee and he is doing his job properly, you wouldn’t like him to leave the company. There is that truth that all of the workers are replaceable, however, remember about the time and energy that you will have to spend on finding the new employee. So start the conversation trying to know the reasons. Make sure you are being as open as you can to let the employee speak about the reasons he is leaving the job for.
If that is the salary – let him know that you will discuss that question and the opportunity of making it higher. If it is about the hours – again try to make some changes in the schedule to adjust to the comfort of the employee. All of these cases refer to the employee who is really worth it. If you understand that by the leaving of the employee the company will lose a lot, you have got to go to this conversation and changes.
Another option is finding a job with a higher status – so, make sure there is no place for the person to give a new status, bringing him up for a level etc.
Discussion period
After the conversation give time both for him and for you to discuss and to think. You will start discussing this with the group and find a solution. Tell him about that and give him time to come to a conclusion. Most importantly, all of the manners of respect and trust are so important here. Even if the employee is leaving the job because of the money you have got to show a positive reaction. After admitting your suggestion of making the salary higher, you, again should show your professionalism and not bring him to some awkward situation, where he is discussing only money.
Identify your mistakes
Those stages of communications and discussions may have two results. As a first option, the employee would agree to your suggestions and stay. This is the easiest stage when you understand the problem, give a solution to it and finish it up. However, there is the second option, where your employee wouldn’t agree to any of your suggestions and will leave the job. In this case, most important thing is to analyze once more your attitude towards the employees, or the company, make some analysis to identify which was the problem. This is essential to make the problem solved and not let other employees leave the company because of that exact problem. Try your best with this, make some unanimous questions and get the answers, ask the other employees about their opinion etc. to get a result.
These simple steps will help you cope with this situation more calmly and care more about the problem solving. It is natural that all of the people want development and are working hard for it. Your job is to make sure that people find with you most of the expectations that they have, thus will stay and work at the company more. Good luck!