
Kidney stones come in a few varieties, none of which are fun for the recipient. Whether you are experiencing kidney stones made of calcium, struvite, uric, cysteine or any other type, there are several ways you can both ease and prevent them from occurring. In this article, we will discuss the many juice options available for kidney stone sufferers, as well as those who may be prone to having them in the future. The best method is always to discuss matters with your doctor, but if you want to know a bit more about how juices will help, please keep reading.

In general, the more liquid you drink, the less likely you will have kidney stones. However, certain liquids will provide more relief than others, specifically water and drinks with lemon. As a rule of thumb, you should consume approximately half your weight in ounces of water per day. Be sure the water is purified and does not have excessive amounts of calcium, as this could worsen your kidney stones.

Other options include lemon, cranberry, grapefruit or apple juice. Drinking a half cup of pure lemon juice will help protect against calcium stones. You can also try cranberry or apple juice for their oxalates, which help the urinary tract remain healthy. With each of these options, you should only need one or two glasses per day – more may increase the risk rather than prevent it.

While all of these juices will go a long way in preventing kidney stones, remember that some symptoms may require more immediate attention than others. If you are having consistent abdominal pain, then seek medical attention. Once you know there is a kidney stone, or learn you are prone to them, then start drinking one of these juices daily, preferably in the morning, to both reduce your symptoms and eventually prevent new kidney stones from forming.