(c) Can Stock Photo / alphaspirit
Whether you are creating your website to share with your life, or the news around the world or want to earn some money through advertising, you have to make sure that advertisers see your website and will come to it. Most of the times people try to combine the two things together: earning money with the personal blog. And for this you have to go through many steps in order to catch the attention of the advertisers. For the beginning make sure you have enough time for frequent posts. If you are opening a personal blog/ website, you should make sure you have enough time for updating it frequently and posting there as many articles as possible. The more interesting and engaging articles you have, the more traffic you will get. Believe it or not, advertisers are searching for websites/ blogs which have a good traffic. And if you are not in that list, sorry but most probably you won’t get into that list. So, make sure that you are updating it frequently and that you have your audience that is getting engaged with the content you share.
Do not plagiarize
Well, for the beginning you may start your blog with adding articles from other websites and mentioning the source. However, most of the times what advertisers and google appreciate most is the unique content. If all of the articles in your website are either taken from other websites or just plagiarized without even a source mentioning then again, most probably you won’t reach to your advertisers.
You don’t want only advertisers
If you want a long term success, then ads all over the page will only disturb that. In order to have a long term success you have got to think not only about the advertisers themselves but also about the google almighty. Well, let’s say google doesn’t like when the whole website is covered with ads. It always tries to ensure that your website is good from the user experience point of view. And if the user enters your site to reach about an “a” thing but sees all of the letters except “a” let’s just say your website is not that user friendly if not say it is not at all. What you have as a result: users who are not satisfied with the search results and won’t come back any more, google who doesn’t like it either, and advertisers who will take into account the first two points and most probably not come back to you too. So make sure you are not overacting with the ads on the blog/ website and still keep the content more attracting and in the first point. If you have made all of those steps and your blog now looks perfect, it is the time for you to go on with several other steps as well.
- You can start with the affiliate products and their promotion in your website. And maybe this is one of the easiest part or step to do for starting earning through your website. Though the promotion of affiliate products is not named to be ads, but those can be a great start to earning money.
- Another way of engaging more advertisers into your website is through google AdSence programs. This program allows you to put targeted advertisements in your website. Those ads are generated by google and paid by the business who want their ad to be appeared in various websites. Basically, those are the programs like pay per click or AdWords. So, using those programs can be really a great chance to earn more money from your blog.
- If you are continuing with this and want to get even more here is something else that you can do: Contact the companies: contact them directly. Well, if you are in one niche and know that you can be a great place for advertising this or that company then go on for that and just approach them directly. Just imagine that they maybe haven’t noticed you in the market and couldn’t find you. All you are doing is just saying that you are there and that you could do that advertising for them. Not in most of the times it will work, but in some cases companies will get that chance and will like the idea of having an ad in your website. So, make sure you research the market properly and contact the right companies from your niche. Have their ad in your website and who knows, maybe they have that another website who would also like to have an ad in your website.
Those ways are some of the many examples that you can start with in order to start earning with your blog and website. Though there are even more ways, we should say that the ones that we have presented to you are the most famous and the basic ones. If you are implementing the above mentioned tricks and tips properly, most probably you will soon start seeing a flow of advertisers into your website and that means you will also start getting more results and more money.
In other words, hard work always pays off, so continue your hard work, always updating blog and keeping it active and soon you will see the results you have been waiting for. We wish you all of the luck!