(c) Can Stock Photo / fizkes
Yoga can sometimes be challenging with some difficult poses that it has. If you are a beginner, you can limit yourself with some easy poses which won’t have any possible risk of getting injuries. However, if you are not a beginner and want to learn more and more, all we may say is just getting to know what you should do to escape them.
So let’s start our list:
Making pre-exercises are important
If you are starting right with the difficult yoga poses, then injuries, even if you are in your best body condition may become possible. For this, you should rather start your practice not exactly with the poses but with some stretches. Make some easy body movements, make stretches and become ready to the actual poses. This is the way you are letting your body know that you are going to make the yoga poses.
The comfortable equipment is always the key
If you feel like you made the stretches are ready to start, we are here to continue this list of things you need to have. And by continuing, let’s not forget about the proper equipment that every, repeat it again EVERY yogi needs. One of those things is a comfortable mat: it shouldn’t slip away during your difficult pose and disturb it. The mat should be there to support the whole yoga practice.
Don’t forget about the clothes. If you are bending forward, doing this or that important pose, you need your clothes to support you as well. If they are not stretchy enough and are loose, they will most probably not stay in their places and disturb you during the whole hour (or how long you practice). Imagine yourself, every time stopping the pose, or making an uncomfortable movement to fix the clothes.
If you are doing a pose where knees will be more under pressure, you should rather have a towel and pad the knee with it. This will also help you to escape the knee injuries.
Don’t overdo it
If you feel like you are not able this or that pose, don’t try to overdo your practice. You will reach that level one day, however right now, you don’t need to proceed with it if you don’t feel like. Escaping injuries seem to be connected only with the technical stuff, however it is mostly connected with the mind as well. If your mind is determined to do this or that pose, because someone else is doing, keep you mind calm on this question. Don’t get concentrated on others. Try to be with yourself and only with yourself. Your mind can also bring you to injuries, so make sure you control it as well.
Attention is never being too much
If you are up to starting with the dangerous poses, keep it in mind: attention is never being too much. Be careful to every single movement you do. Learn it twice before proceeding to doing. Make sure you know where your hands should be, which position does you head have, where are your feet and back and every single part of your body. Learning it all twice or even 3 times will help you be secure more than ever. Only after learning carefully everything about the pose, you can proceed to doing them.
If you follow these easy steps (which may sound a little bit difficult to you) most probably you will escape most of the injuries that are possible to be gained during the yoga. Follow all of these tips, however, we would advise you not to get 100% concentrated on the injuries. Don’t forget about getting enjoyment and pleasure from what you are doing. Yoga should always be a joyful and fun practice, not something your will start being afraid of. So get yourself ready, but not worried and enjoy your practice to the fullest. Namaste!