(c) Can Stock Photo / dndavis

As a yogi, you may have tried a lot to practice on different hours of the day. As a result, you may have chosen the one which is most convenient for you, doesn’t disturb any of other things you are up to and gets well into your schedule. Each hour for yoga has its specific benefits and all of them usually have a great impact on your mood, motivation and spirituality.

If you are struggling with every morning alarms, are not able to get up on time or hardly even wish to go to work or study etc., most probably morning yoga is what you are lacking. And in some 90 percent, I guess you wouldn’t like this idea: because who would walk up early on a that awful Monday and practice yoga? You will hurry to answer this question: No one. However, the people who have tried practicing morning yoga, never went back to any other schedule. But I understand, coming to a decision of waking up even an hour earlier on a working day is a tough decision. That is why we will now go through some of the benefits that you will get if you decide practicing yoga on the morning.

Not starting the day with a stress

Imagine your day starting with the intention and just the idea that you are going to work. Doesn’t sound good right? And it makes you stay in bed longer, try to sleep longer, then get late on the job, get stressed etc. And now, imagine that you are waking up not for the work or lessons, but to salute the sun and enjoy the morning sun, the morning silence. Imagine you are starting the day for you and for your inner world. The idea already sounds good and the fact that you will wake up with that idea makes it even better. So go on and present yourself that hour of happiness and start your day without stress.

Forgetting about caffeine?

We all know about those negative effects that caffeine can have, right? Well, this Is not for anyone who adores coffee and is not going to refuse having it. This is mostly for the ones who doesn’t want to have coffee any more, but are somehow used to have it every morning. Good news for you: due to the fact that yoga highly motivates and energizes you, you won’t feel a need of a coffee any more. So start your morning with a yoga not a coffee (Obviously, if you wish to).

Time for you and your day

After the tired and long working day, you may just want the yoga for relaxing, not thinking about anything and not even considering planning the next day. However, the morning yoga gives you more of that. When you wake up with fresh ideas and new thoughts, yoga gives you time to both have a relax and plan your day ahead, it gives you motivation to give solutions to problems (not only at work, but also in the personal life) from which you were trying to escape for a very long period of time.


So start your day with the following poses which are really great for a day start:

  • Mountain pose
  • Cat cow pose
  • Camel pose
  • Pigeon pose
  • The child’s pose

Those are really amazing poses for starting the day with. They all are working on special muscles and relaxing. Just learn how to do these poses and start with them. Later, you can continue with adding more and more poses to your yoga session.

Remember, every choice you make decides your life, your day and your mood. How happy or sad or stressed you are, depends on how you take things, how you look at them and what you do for them. Morning yoga is excellent for the smart decisions, motivational day, stress less day. Namaste!

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