(c) Can Stock Photo / evgenyatamanenko
As soon as you have learnt that you are expecting, you may have started to ask various questions to yourself. How will my body be transformed? Do I have to start doing some fitness or yoga maybe? Do I have to create a special plan for my food? Do I have to start with some kind of diet?
Those are all some questions, that every women asks herself. And here we are to provide you answers to some of those questions. One of the most worrying ones out of those was should you start with some kind of diet?
Short answer to this question: Yes
However, note, that we are not speaking about the general diets, the ones that people are usually finding from the internet and just trying various things to lose weight etc. The diet that you will need is some kind of plan which will omit from your meal the things that are harmful for you and your baby’s health.
As you are pregnant, you will now need additional vitamins and healthy nutrition, to ensure the further development of your baby. So, the diet plan will help you organize everything, so that to get the needed and vital vitamins and avoid the things that may be harmful.
Start your diet with omitting the alcohol and fast food from your meal.
Yes, this should be a strong diet: diet of alcohol, which means even if you are going to starve, you should have no alcohol. Alcohol will be easily passed from you to your child and result to further disorders, some physical problems or difficulties in behavior. So just don’t risk the future of your baby and avoid the use of alcohol.
What concerns to fast foods, there are several reasons you should avoid them especially while pregnancy. Those are, for example, the level of your blood sugar, fluctuation of blood pressure and weight gaining. Those are the results which junk food has even in case you are not pregnant, however during the pregnancy period your immune system is getting more sensitive.
This is not a 100% of no – no, however at least lowering the amount of junk food in your daily plan of diet would really be beneficial. Just think firstly that everything you eat straightly goes to your child, don’t make her the junk food slave and don’t lead her to obesity when she is not even born yet.
Add yogurt to your diet plan
You know that both you and your baby need calcium, right? Yogurt is one of the things that should become irreplaceable part of your plan. It is full of calcium and having it eaten during the scope of the day will strengthen your bones and help the healthy growing of your childes’ bones.
Avocados – your pregnancy friend
Need something full of folate, Vitamin C and potassium? Avocados are what you and your baby need. Those are the best way to gain all of these vitamins and eat tasty. Just be careful not to overeat avocados, because those are full of calories, in case you have some problems with your weight, you should eat the avocados, but not overdo.
Nuts – another good friend of yours
Copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium – this is only a part of what nuts include. Nuts are full of vitamins, so start using them on your diet plan, by adding them into salads or baked food.
However, one thing that is important to be mentioned is the fact that the calories you will need to gain each day mainly depends on your height, the one that you’ve got now and the one that you had before pregnancy. Take this fact into account and try to take the calories that you really need. Try not to overdo anything and keep your balance. Don’t let your heart starve for something, but even if you decide to treat yourself, remember about the tips we have suggested and only then make your decision whether you NEED to eat that or not.