
Most of us are well aware of dangers of too much of sun exposure but we don’t realize the fact that there are many health benefits of sun exposure as well. For instance, Melatonin that is synthesized by pineal gland is affected by sun light and a proper exposure to sun is essential to maintain its balance in our body. Sun’s rays are actually beneficial to human body as they act as a major source of vitamin D helping body’s system obtain much needed calcium which is in turn needed to build healthy and strong bones. Let’s have a short look at some of surprising health benefits of sun exposure:-

  •  Sun’s light is beneficial in killing bacteria. It also helps in healing wounds and clearing out germs from our body with the help of an appropriate exposure.

  • Many skin disorders can be cured or decreased with the help of sun exposure. Symptoms of Certain syndromes like psoriasis, acne, aczema and fungal infections are found to be reduced with the help of sun exposure.

  • Exposure of sun is helpful in converting high cholesterol in the blood into steroid hormones. However, in the absence of light from the sun, certain enzymes are converted into cholesterol which causes a great risk to human health.

  • Surprisingly, sun exposure has also been found to be effective in sending breast cancer to diminution when done with intake of some whole foods.

  • Sun light lowers the blood pressure with every exposure. This makes sun light a great substitution for anti-hypertensive medications having certain side effects on our body.

  • People suffering from diseases like atherosclerosis are getting relief from sun exposure. This is due to the fact that sun rays penetrate deep in our bodies and because it’s cleansing.

  • Sunlight efficiently increases the oxygen content in our body. Furthermore, it enhances the body’s efficiency to carry out oxygen to the tissues. This process is very similar to exercises and working out. Sun augment your fitness, stamina and muscle development

  • Amount of lymphocytes in our body increases with each and every sunlight exposure. Hence it leads to an increase in our body’s immune system.

The benefits of sunlight are many and it is highly beneficial for people of all ages. However, it should be kept in mind that very long sun exposures can cause tanning to your skin. With small sunlight exposures at regular intervals, sun light can create healthy miracles in your lifestyle.