(c) Can Stock Photo / tomwang
If you are practicing yoga for some period of time, or just started with reading about it, you may think you know so many things about it. However, most of the times when you think deeper about it, you will get to the conclusion that you don’t know much about it and that there is so much to be read. If you are from those people who like to know everything about what they do and practice, here we are: we are here to tell you some things, that you most probably have missed to know about yoga. So, let’s go:
- Yoga shouldn’t be and is not a popular thing or a trend
Whenever you think that people are practicing yoga just because it is trendy, you are being mistaken. In reality, yoga needs a lot of energy, time, commitment and inner willingness to be practiced. Which ones, people who just tend to practice it just because it is trendy, usually won’t spend that much of the time and energy on it. So, make sure you are not one of those people. Be sure you know that yoga is all about the inner balance, it is a lifestyle, not a trend.
- Yoga is pretty enough as an exercise.
Most of the people starting yoga practices never imagine how actionable yoga is. If you are just reading about it and think that all you will do is sitting, you are being mistaken. Actually, yoga can be the only exercise that you will need in order to stay healthy both physically and mentally. You just need to choose the right yoga style for your yoga goal and practice the right yoga poses. In other words, you can always give your preference to yoga over going to gym and doing fitness.
- Some poses you will hate, but practice the most
Well, this seems to be one of the most real ones and the funniest ones. If you are just starting it, you will surely say: If I don’t like it, I won’t practice it. But let us stop you here, in reality there are those poses that you will hate most, but will keep practicing, as you need them most as well. You as a yogi, would have a clear understanding that don’t want to do the pose, however your whole mind and body would go to it. Get ready to it: you won’t keep calm until you do it perfectly.
- Do you know how ancient is yoga?
Well, the actual practices of yoga were started in 19th century. But, if you want to learn something more about it: the name yoga itself is older and it comes from the 15th century. Imagine, this word was used to refer to the yoke of animal. Interesting, isn’t it? Something that seems to be so “trendy” (we have already talked about it in the first point) is so old as well.
- Did you know about the yoga effects on immunity?
Hmm, if you have heard about the many benefits that yoga has, you probably have a list of those benefits. So, check your list now to see if you have the yoga boosting effect on immunity in that list. You don’t have it? Then add it there, as many researchers have come to the conclusion that yoga does boost the immunity of the yogi, this is done at a cellular level. Imagine, how great It is? You are practicing yoga and killing so many birds with just one shot.
We hope you liked those things about yoga and if you have your own list, feel free to share it with us. We are always open to new lists and making our old ones bigger and bigger. After all, we are the yoga community and are here to share the information that we have. Good luck in your yoga practices and Namaste!