(c) Can Stock Photo / gajdamak


(c) Can Stock Photo / gajdamak

You have just learned that you are pregnant and have 9 months of being the part of that magic. Those are the most magic full moments, days, months, that you are going to see and feel the development of your child. But besides the nice moments, it’s also going to be a little bit had, in sense of your choices. What do I mean?

The thing is that, that every singly choice you make now has direct or indirect impact on your child’s development and further education. Doesn’t matter whether it refers to food you eat, music you listen to or books you read: all of these things (and even more) will have their effect on your child. That is why now, more than ever, your choices should be well considered – and more than well considered.

First thing you may start thinking about is food. It all starts with food, right? When you are pregnant, sometime you want to eat more and you actually do. Sometimes even more you could imagine yourself, that is why we have created a list, that will show you which nutritious foods in reality are the ones you should mostly eat.

  1. Salmon fish

You know that everything you are going to eat, should be nutritious and healthy. Salmon fish is one of those foods that should be listed here. Salmon is very rich with omega-3 (polyunsaturated fatty acids) which is very essential. However, choosing salmon as an everyday dish is not advisable and you better limit its use to once or twice a week.

  1. Greens

Various greens, especially broccoli, are including many vitamins, calcium and potassium. Greens are really very nutritious, that is why you should include them into your daily meal.

  1. Avocados

It’s not a secret that fruits are very rich with vitamins as well, however some types of fruits are more advisable than others.  One of them is avocado. Being full of copper, vitamins, potassium, this ensures the healthy development of your child during the pregnancy months.

  1. Juices/water

Each woman, knowing that is expecting, remembers about the alcohol and about the fact that she should avoid it the next 9 months. As equally is important the fact that your body now needs water, so drink water and natural juices as much as possible.

  1. Onions/garlic

Onions and garlic are the best anti-inflammatory medicine, which you should use in your daily meal and add them in the food you are preparing.

  1. Berries

Remember, we told that some of the fruits are more advisable? Berries are among that list. By helping your healthy digestion, berries are considered to be antioxidants, thus becoming another essential part of your meal time.

  1. Bananas

Continuing the list with fruits, here is another type of them: Bananas. The minerals and vitamins that bananas are rich with are of a great importance. They also normalize the blood pressure, if you have a very high one.

  1. Beans

As this list can be really very long, we hope you will find the things that you like. One of those can be beans. Those are including various proteins, which are, again, vital for your pregnancy period.

  1. Walnuts

Walnuts are another source for getting omega -3 and protein. You can include walnuts as an ingredient in salad making or make it a part of a dish. Those are really very healthy, so go on with their using.

  1. Meat

If you are not a vegetarian, you may get angry with this list because of fruit-vegetables majority. However, don’t hurry up with your anger, we are going to include meat in the list as well. Try to prepare, however, your dish with a lean meat, which is a better option during the pregnancy period.


There are so many things you would think are important to have, however, one thing we think is always important to take into account is whether they are natural or not. Among all of the foods you like and even adore, choose the ones that are natural, because you remember, right? It’s all about choices.