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Tired of lessons, work, struggling, or even love, summer, ice-cream and having a rest? Is everything and everyone acting on your nerves? Do you want to close yourself alone in a room and stay there for couple of days?  Most probably you had a very difficult period in your life and are trying to get out of it, not give much attention to the stress and continuing your life the way it was.

However, for everyone, even the strongest people, need rest. Everyone in some periods of life would need to stop and just not do anything, not ask questions and not try to find answers for them.

If you feel like this is that period of your life that you should stop and have a rest, just do it. Meanwhile, we will show some benefits of yoga that will help you reduce the stress and reach an inner balance.

A question you may ask yourself: What do I need for getting rid of the stress? And the list of the things can be huge, like starting from brand new car, phone, girlfriend/boyfriend, new home, a friend and a lot more. And usually those things may have no connection with each other.

But the things that you really need for getting rid of the stress doesn’t have much connection with the outside world. For this, you should start with your inner world, bring the inner feelings into the balance, try to understand them and reach the self-love.

And one of the most useful ways of reaching the things mentioned above is yoga. There are several yoga poses which require concentration, thus are helping you get rid of the stress. Those poses are:

  • Lotus Pose – This pose is a sitting crossed legs pose which helps you increasing the level of self-awareness and calms you down.
  • Child’s pose – this pose will help you in complete relaxation.
  • Corpse pose – if you are feeling tires this pose is exactly what you need to get rid of fatigue and stress levels
  • Mountain pose – this pose brings more concentration and focus and will help you get concentrated on yoga more than anything else which makes you get started.


Through these and many other yoga poses you will be able to:

  • Relaxing the mind and body – through yoga we are getting concentrated only on one thing. This helps our mind get rid of any other thoughts and worrying and to get into the moment. This helps the whole body to rest and mind to be calmed.
  • Connection – Most importantly, you are not just calming down your mind and body, you are making a connection between them. They are starting getting into balance. You are connecting the needs of your body and mind. This is an additional resting state of mind that helps you get out from the stress.
  • Understand yourself – Through yoga you are starting to listen to yourself more than you would do during the day. It lets you dive into you and find out the most covered and secret things you were hiding even from yourself. This is another thing that really helps in understanding yourself, learning what you really want or need. And when not knowing all of these things, you can sometimes get stressed right because of them.
  • Emotions – Yoga helps you get rid of the negative energy you could have inside you. We all are taking the energy from others. Something bad happened at work, or a negative conversation with friends-everything can be a reason for gaining some negative energy. Yoga will help you get rid of it and forget.

If you like the positive effects that yoga can have, then just don’t waste time on discussing that decision more. It’s the high time to kick off the stress and enjoy the life and every moment in it. We are sure that you are stronger then stress and you will be able to go through it through yoga. Namaste!