(c) Can Stock Photo / racorn
Yoga is famous to be one of the ways through which one can reach not only some physical balance, but also come to harmony with mind. It brings body and mind into harmony, lets people to reach self-realization, get motivation and inspiration and highly impacts on the personal growth on the yoga. The benefits of yoga are numerous, that is why many people, in certain periods of their lives are referring to yoga, hoping to reach the necessary result and get motivation from it. Experience shows us that the listed benefits are not just beautiful words, and that yoga absolutely is able to help you out from each and every situation.
The many benefits that yoga has are concerning pregnant women as well. In fact, the period of pregnancy may be one of the most stressful and hardest ones (not in all cases obviously). And this comes from the many questions, which usually don’t get answers and mood changes which are, in their tern, connected to many other factors, such as the changes of the figure etc. And there may be several solutions out of this stressful and hard times, but the one that usually gets more sympathy is Yoga.
While you should think that it’s not right to do some strange and maybe “dangerous” yoga poses, while you are having a new life arising inside your belly, we would go further to say that not only it is right, it’s also healthy. There are number of reasons why yoga is good during pregnancy and some of those reasons are:
- Decreased headaches and a better sleep
- Reduces anxiety and stress
- Decreased back pain
- Prepared condition to delivery
- Healthier pregnancy
And this list could be continued. As you worry about the strange yoga poses, we hurry up to mention that we are speaking about the prenatal yoga, which includes in itself only the ones which are available to be done during every month of the pregnancy.
Another stage of prenatal yoga is the food that should or should not be eaten before and after yoga practice. You may have already created a diet plan for your pregnancy, and sure enough, you have included some of the healthiest types of food into it. With yoga practicing you may have to make some changes in your plan. Don’t hurry to panic, though: all of the changes connected with the food are mainly connected with the hours.
If you have decided to practice prenatal yoga, main thing you should know is that yoga doesn’t love full stomach, but it doesn’t like it totally empty as well. This is why the best time to eat is at least one hour before the yoga class. Depending at which time exactly you are having your yoga practice (morning, afternoon or evening), you should define the food you eat accordingly:
Sure enough fruits are the ones that are always becoming the number 1 choice of the pregnancy period. Yoga want disturb you in this case, on the opposite, having a banana, a slice of melon or an apple. A fruit salad would also work perfect in this case.
Yogurt is another option, which can be good choice as you start feeling hunger 40 minutes or so before the class.
Things which you should avoid eating before the yoga class
The one and only important condition here is to avoid the food which may be hard digestible. Those can be:
- Heavy meals
- Pizza
- Burgers
- Fizzy drinks
- Fast food
In fact, let us be honest and tell, that you should have omitted that food from your diet plan long ago and not only before the yoga class. But still, if you feel like you won’t go to yoga class if you didn’t eat anything, make sure it is more than 1 hour before the class itself.
Eating after the yoga class
As you may know, each yoga pose works for some part of your body. There are those yoga poses which are working on your digestive tract, thus postponing your eating after yoga class for at least an hour. A yogurt or a slice of a fruit won’t disturb to your digestive system, however, again, if you are going to eat heavy meal, then force yourself to wait an hour more.
Hope those tips will help you have an effective yoga class and Namaste!