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Pumpkin pancakes.

Origin: English

Nutrition: high

The timing: 1 hour

Difficulty: Easy

Pumpkin is the favorite ingredients for many people. Actually pumpkin is a very healthy one as well, and that is the reason why the pumpkin is included into very famous dishes and meals. There are very tasty soups which include pumpkin as the main ingredients. However today we will introduce you a pumpkin pancake or pie which is very delicious, simple and at the same time very healthy.  The dish has English origins and is coming from middle ages. However, actually it is so popular that it became known as international dish. The difference of this pancake from other ones is that it is not a dessert. Usually pancakes are known to be desserts, but it is not the case with this one. This yummy pancake is a perfect one to make you feel full and it is super tasty.

So what are the ingredients of this amazing dish?

The ingredients.

Half of the pumpkin


4 onions



3 carrots

3 cups of flour

3 eggs

Now when you have got all these ingredients, it is the time to start the making process.

The making.

We will need to first wash the pumpkin. Then cut the whole pumpkin into 2 parts. One of the parts we will use for making the pumpkin. The rest we do not even need. So take the half of the pumpkin and cut it into small cubes. After that add the pumpkin cubes into a big bowl and then add water there. Then put the bowl on the heat and let it get cooked for 1 hour or until the pumpkin gets boiled and cooked.

Once you did so and made sure the pumpkin is ready, take it off from heat and let it cool down. While it is getting cooled off, you will need to grade the carrots, then cut the onions into small cubes and chop the onions and the parsley. Once you did this also, then take the pumpkin cubes and mash them.

After that add the graded carrots, parsley and onions into the mass of mashed pumpkin. Then break the 3 eggs into the mass and mix all the things well together. Then add flour little by little. Once you added the flour, mix that also, and then make small pancakes by the help of spoon and your hands.

After that heat the pan, add some oil there and start frying the pancakes. Fry them well on both sides and once they are red or golden on both sides, just take them out of pan.

After that add some pepper and salt to your taste.

As you can see, this is really easy dish to make. It is very simple, yet tasty and rich in flavors. You can eat the dish with sour cream or with tomato pasta. It is really easy to make and the timing is about 1 hour or so. The nutrition level is quite high. This dish is just perfect for breakfast, for lunch, dinner and supper as well.

Enjoy your yummy pumpkin pancakes.

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