(c) Can Stock Photo / leonido
You may sometimes search the web and see some yoga practices where mostly thin people are practicing yoga. And if you have a bigger body, you may think: well, this is not for me. However, let us now clarify one thing: having a thin body for practicing yoga is not essential. Moreover, no one has got a perfect body, so before thinking that they are thin, think that maybe they have reached that result by practicing. So, now what you should do is stop thinking about those with thin bodies and getting concentrated on the idea of doing yoga with your body. We will give some tips and advice you can follow while starting your yoga practices.
Don’t dive too deep into this
This is mostly the continuation of what we have already said. Just don’t get yourself too deep into that. Start appreciating your body and loving it. Don’t judge about your body’s abilities of doing this or that pose without trying it. You can never know until you try it. So give it a chance. Try it.
It’s okay to modify some poses
There has never been and won’t ever be a yoga for only one type of body. Repeat it again for yourself: Never. This means yoga poses are for everyone and if you need to modify them and adjust according to your body, it is totally okay. No one has ever told that everyone should do this or that pose the same way. So, don’t get concentrated on the exact repetition of the poses, modify them.
And it is even more okay to skip some poses!
While you are still starting your journey to become a yogi, you should read this as well: it is really okay to skip the poses which you can’t do at that moment. Remember that yoga is not there to force you do something. Yoga is never there for blaming you for having a bigger body. On the contrary, it is there to teach you to love your body the way it is. It is there to teach you love yourself the way you are. So, this is another thing you shouldn’t get concentrated on. Just skip the poses which you don’t like. That’s it.
Find the right yoga classes
If you have a bigger body, don’t just search yoga and turn on any yoga class and start repeating the poses. That won’t work. Just go over the search results: do you find any other class where the yoga teacher is the one with a bigger body as well? Consider having that one. It is not an obligatory thing, but that will help you start with the already adjusted poses.
Find the proper teacher
If you are not choosing the yoga classes and want to go to a yoga studio and have your instructor, make sure you are choosing the one who can make that adjustments as well. If you feel like your teacher won’t give you special attitude and modify some poses, go on searching to find the one that will do that for you.
Choose the comfortable clothes
Always go for your comfort. Choose the props which are comfortable to you and will make the practicing process easier. This will get you to a comfort zone, where you won’t think about the mat or clothes or anything else. It is just you and yoga and nothing else to disturb you. So, make sure every time you purchase something, you are doing a right choice. Because, those are not just clothes, those are yoga clothes and yoga…, well, yoga is special.
If you read these tips carefully, we hope you are already on your way to the yoga practice. Either, you are searching for some videos and tutorials to start the practice at home, or you are finding your instructor. In each case we wish you good luck. Enjoy your yoga. Namaste!