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Actually our health depends on many aspects and on many factors. Human body is very complex, especially female organism, which is much more complicated than the male one and it is really hard for women to take good care of their body and organism and keep the healthy life style. Women give birth, which in its turn can arouse numerous health problems. However, there are several tips, thanks to which you can try to be healthy at any age.

For women it is essential to always keep the active life style because it helps you muscles become stronger which will also help you while giving birth. So sport is really one of the most important factors you should not avoid.

The second and also very important thing is to take care and to follow healthy diet. You should not eat junk food, which is just tons of calories, instead keep a healthy diet. If you want to be beautiful eat porridge every morning for breakfast and it will give you unique freshness and good skin.

It is a general truth that women adore sweets and cakes, but try to use the as less as possible. Instead of heavy cakes you can eat dark chocolate and certainly it is good for health.

In order to be healthy at any age women must take care of their back. This may sound strange at first but it is really important. Everything in body is connected with back and if you want to be beautiful you must have a strong straight back, which will make you walk beautifully, and automatically if you have a strong back many organs will be healthy. SO for this there are many back exercises, just try to do them every morning before breakfast.

Try to use less medicine in any case, and just cure yourself with natural things, such as herbs. Medicine nowadays is not something to rely on because many of them have miserable origin.

The next is about your face. Face is the indicator of many diseases so to look healthy, use different masks. You can also put cucumber on your face which provides some liquid to skin and thus nourishes the skin and makes it softer.

The last and most important things are the nerves. This may also sound really strange but if you go deeper and deeper into the issue, you will understand that most of the diseases we have are because of our nerves and the stresses we are facing many times. This means that we, women, must take most of the things easier than they do, otherwise they gain many harmful diseases. Instead if we stay calm, balanced, with cold brain and remain our nerves in calm way, we will really be healthy. So most important thing is to control the emotions.  If you have lived a life you were satisfied to live you will always, at any age, be healthy.