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What should you always remember during your pregnancy?

The very first thing you should remember during your pregnancy is that how blessed you are to be able to have your own baby and become a new source of life. Many and many women all around the world want to have their own children but because of some health issues or other staff they cannot have their own babies. So just keep in mind that your future child is a gift, not every woman can be proud of.

Here are the most important things you should remember during pregnancy.

There are many things you can do while being pregnant to help your baby’s health and there are many things you can avoid doing in order to escape from risks.

  • The very first thing to remember is that you should go to regular medical exams to make sure that things are going fine. You should also take prenatal vitamins, because at the time of pregnancy both you and your baby need lots of vitamins. Eat lots of protein as well. You should eat really well and enough, but it does not mean you should not work out. Pregnancy is not illness and you should keep active and do some exercise.
  • Take care of your mental state. Do not think about negative things, save your nerves and keep up positive and think only about your child, because the mental state of a mother has a lot to do with the psychology of the baby.
  • If you plan to travel and especially travel on planes, make sure that there is no danger. Talk to your doctor about it.
  • If you have any kind of health issue you should tell it to your doctor, for example diabetes, heart weakness, herpes and others.

These are the most important things that you should do in order to have a healthy baby. However, there are things that are risky for you to do, and you should absolutely be far from them.

  • So the very first thing you should not do is smoking. Not only your smoking is dangerous but also any kind of smoke is dangerous for you and baby, so do not be in company of smoking people.
  • You should not drink also while being pregnant. Actually this depends on the frequency and on alcohol kind, but any kind of alcohol may have a negative impact on you and on baby as well, especially the Fetal alcohol syndrome is the worst thing that can happen.
  • You should avoid also other bad habits, including drugs and illegal drugs. Do not take also peels and medicine unless you doctor do not advise you to.
  • Avoid eating hot dogs, because hot dogs increase the risk of having cancer, especially for children who are under 5 years old.
  • Do not drink too much tea and coffee. They both contain caffeine. This does not mean you should give up drinking coffee, but more than two cups a day is not recommended. Otherwise it can increase the risk of diabetes for the child.
  • You should avoid contacts with reptiles, if you did then make sure you told it to your doctor.
  • You should avoid microwaves because the radiation has the risk of brining fetus. Also avoid using water from tap because it may have some invisible stones and actually may be dangerous for everyone. Try also not to raise your body temperature, and therefore do not have too hot bath, because it increases the body temperature.

So these were the most important things you should know while you are pregnant. Take care of your pregnant days and of your future baby.

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