Setting a successful Facebook ad campaign is what you may always want during the advertising of your company and brand. And that may sometimes be very hard, as there are so many things you have to be careful to in order to escape a possible fall of your Facebook campaign.
If your Facebook ad campaign falls every time and you don’t have even a slightest hint what you should do for escaping it, here we are: we will help you with it and tell some tricks to escape the possible falling of it.
Don’t hesitate and just go on with reading this article to know more about the Facebook campaigns and how they work:
Starting from the basics
For the Facebook ad not to fall all you have to do is starting from the basics, that is to say to create the structure of your ad. The more you know about those steps of creating the structure of the ad, the more effective your ad can be. Every Facebook ad consists of 3 parts:
- The campaign
- The Ad set
- And the Ad itself
So, let us now talk about them separately:
The campaign – During this stage of structuring your Facebook ad is choosing the goal that you have, in more Facebook words – the actions that you want people to take when seeing the ad. The campaign has 3 different sections: awareness, consideration and conversion. Depending on the fact what you want people to do you choose one of those sections.
Let’s say you are more into getting engagement or traffic, then you will go into the consideration section and choose accordingly. If you want to have more store visits or product sales, then the best decision for you would be to choose something from the conversion. And, lastly, if you want to spend brand awareness and local awareness, then the first one: awareness section is the that you have to go on with.
When this first part is done we can go on with the second one: Ad set
Ad set – This is basically the part where you decide the “How” answers – in other words, you decide the way your ad will be appeared. You will be able to start this with targeting your audience. You will have the options of choosing the target audience through demographics and interests (there are also other categories, however the most used ones are those 2). You can also choose to put a custom audience for your ad, which means only people you have chosen will see the ad. You can continue the ad set with also choosing the location that you want to target. Let’s say you are a local business in Nevada state, most probably, having the whole world seen your ad, or going to Europe wouldn’t be your destination. That is why choosing the location here is very essential as well. Another step, you can go on with is targeting the age: whom do you want to refer? Older than 18? Or younger than 50? Just go on with adding the age preferences you have for your ad, in order every one of the exact age you are interested in will see your ad. The next step here is the choice of gender. Let’s say you are a company offering only female accessories and clothes. Most probably, your main target would be females and you will put the main focus on them, not the males. Well, unless it’s not any fest like 8 of March and males are not buying presents for females. In all of the other cases, you can consider the targeting of female in this case to be a better option. Continue with the specification of the languages you want to target.
If you are done with those steps above, then let’s go to the next step of the advert.
The advert – This is last and not least important part of creating the Facebook ad. This is the section where you are going to answer the “What” question. In other words, you are going to solve the “what are the user going to see’ issue. With this in mind, you are going to choose here whether you want to have an ad a single image or a single video. You can also choose other details here such as the text of the news feed, the display link text, the button of the call-to-action.
Don’t forget to be as accurate as you can in the texts that you will write here and use as grammatical language as you can, unless you don’t want to do a humour etc., that require a special type of language use. Most of the times the text of the ad depends on the advertisers themselves, that is to say if you have a special goal, then using a special language can be justified. However, in all of the other cases using accurate language can help your ad look better and engage more people.
Those are the most important steps that you will always overtake when creating a Facebook Ad. Don’t forget to pay attention to all of them equally, because this is what will help you gain better results, more engagement and more likes – depending which was your initial goal. We hope that this article helped you with knowing more about the Facebook Ads, and if it did, share it with your friends, so that they will read it too.