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What to do?
Hands are very important both for men and women. However, for women hands are much more than the busiest part of body. Due to soft hands we look delicate and soft add royal feeling to our image. However, it is very difficult to take a good care of hands, as hands are the busiest parts of our body and therefore we have lots of difficulties while keeping them soft and beautiful.
Hands can be cracked and dry because of variety of reasons. Weather has a lot to do with dry and cracked hands. Winter freezing weather, cold, and frost as well as winter winds may dehydrate our hands’ skin. If the problem is in the cold weather we cannot really do anything. Warm gloves may help, but in that situation anyway we have to use some softening nourishment.
- Washing your hands often may be one of the brilliant solutions to the problem, because every time you wash your hands, they become softer, in case of washing carefully.
- You should not use deodorant, heavily scented soaps, because they tend to strip the fats of your skin, which are really needed for your hands. On the other hand use moisturizing soaps or use soap less cleanser.
- Use moisturizing products which will provide some moisture to your hands and will help you avoid the problem of dry hands. If the moisturizing product contains glycerin, mineral oil, lanolin or dimethicone then you can briefly use the product.
There is another cause for dry hands. The use of chemicals can largely damage the softness of your hands. The chemicals rob the skin of moisture and damage the layer of hands causing lots of skin problems.
So what you can do also is to :
- Exfoliate the hand skin. When it comes to exfoliating hands then we have to note that exfoliating hands was pretty much neglected as exfoliating face was much more popular. However scrubs can be as useful to hands as to face.
- You can use aloe also because the natural substance is really effective when it comes to healing hands and making them softer.
- There is another natural method of heeling. Oats, no matter cooked or raw are great helpers. Add some hot water in bowl, add olive oil and soak your hand into the water for 10 or 15 minutes.
- Coconut oil is especially effective when it comes to hand care but also olive and other natural pure oils can be beneficial.
The most common reason however, why women hands can go fry and become cracked is the use of household cleaning items. So when cleaning the house make sure that you have robber gloves on your hands, otherwise it is very likely that they will dry your skin out.
Hands can also dry out when the woman becomes older. In this case technically and practically you cannot help a lot, but you can use some kind of moisturizing items and creams which eventually can be beneficial and make the process of drying slower.
The most important thing to remember is to take care of hands carefully, use a good soap, or avoid the soap at all, but use soap less cleaning items. Wear gloves in cold weather and make sure that you have robber gloves on your hands while washing the dishes or doing some other cleanings at home.
Take a good care of your hands and remember that they are not just the busiest part of our body but something very important. Soft hands make women extremely beautiful and enchanting.