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Men baldness is one of the biggest fears of any male. Men really hate seeing their hair drop more and more day by day. Eventually, when they are going bald, they become really stress out about it. Everyone, girl or boy, man or woman wants to have beautiful hair, and no one kind of dreams of being bald. However, some people, and especially men cannot help it. Their hair fall and they do not really know the reasons, they are not aware of how that problem can be solved.
It is really important for men to know that any kind of massive hair loss can be a consequence of a disease, no matter it is a male or female. SO if you noticed a massive hair loss then you have to be careful. The massive hair loss, which soon results in baldness, can have different reasons, and one of them can be our stressful situation. When you are in stress your hair start dropping actively and you cannot really help the situation. Another reason can be your eating habits. If you eat food rich in vitamins you will reduce the chance of hair loss and baldness. Eating less can also negatively result on the health of your organism in general and also on your hair. So take a good care of your eating habits. Another issue can be the shampoo you are using. That’s why you have to choose a really good one, and the one which is good specifically for your hair. Another reason can be the fact of you washing your hair too much. Washing hair too many times in a week can negatively result on hair health and may be the result of massive hair loss. So washing hair more than 3 times a week is not recommended. Combing hair while they are wet also has a negative result.
All these issues mentioned above certainly can negatively result on your hair. However they are just the small portion of what the reason of going into bald can be.
The main factor that may affect the baldness for men are the genetics, age and hormones or androgens.
These are the three key factors why men lose their hair and go into bald.
Genetics has always a big percentage when it comes to baldness for male. The age has also a lot to do with losing hair, because of some major hormonal changes in the male organism. The third one is the factor of androgen hormone. Those men who produce less androgen, they tend to become bald. This process may start after 30s for men.
When it comes to women usually, women do not have such a widespread problem of baldness. Most of the problems women face unlike men is connected with eating habits, stress and washing hair permanently.
SO how the problem of hair loss and balding can be solved for men? The very first thing you have to do is to visit the doctor. If the reason is hair washing, the shampoo, or the eating habits, then you can easily solve the problem. If the problem is in hormonal changes then your doctor will give you a special diet in order to boost the testosterone or androgen hormone in your organism.
However, the hair loss is very individual for every person and you must be careful with that. Visiting the doctor in this case is a must.