Who is the Aquarius?
The Aquarius falls between the 21st of January to the 19th of February and is a part of the Zodiac Air element alongside Libra and Gemini. The planet Uranus rules the Aquarians. This planet is one of innovation, aerodynamics, which means the Aquarians are extremely intelligent.
The symbol of the Aquarius is the water bearer, and many are of the notion that it signifies the gift of pure intentions and truth brought by the Aquarians into the world. Aquarians don’t cut corners about their feelings and tell others how they feel regardless of their feelings. This is why many people see them as cold, but they are just upfront.
However, there is more to this zodiac sign, and we will look into them here.

The Traits of the Aquarius
Like other zodiac signs, Aquarians have both positive and negative traits. Some of the positive ones include:
They Have an Open Mind
Aquarians have an open mind and tend to do things uniquely than others. They don’t believe in judging books by their covers and love to keep an open mind about things.
Aquarians are Visionaries
Aquarius individuals have bold visions regarding the future of society and their future. These individuals are progressive and aim to make positive changes in the world. They do this through humanitarian acts like thinking of ways to deal with the hunger crises or helping in the battle against climate change.
Aquarians can go all out to ensure that the world becomes better. Their powerful sense of justice and compassion is responsible for their views and how they act. These individuals also love the concept of freedom and want everyone to experience it too. Simply put, Aquarians aim to change the world in a positive light.
Aquarians are Intelligent
Aquarians are extremely intelligent. They see the bright side of everything and enjoy breaking down problems in a bid to find possible solutions. This trait also ensures they are open-minded about the viewpoints of others. Aquarians like to think of the big picture, which is why many of them are the leading problem solvers in the world. However, they tend to sometimes get lost in their own head, but if you are looking for a properly researched and unbiased answer to a question, the Aquarius individual is your best bet.
Aquarians are Original
Individuals under this zodiac sign tend to be some of the most original individuals you will come across. They are highly innovative and enjoy thinking outside the box, especially when it has to do with business solutions, creative projects, etc. For this reason, they take pride in their ability to note innovative approaches and ideas to make things better.
Aquarians are Creative
The Aquarius individual is very creative, and they are particular about expressing themselves via art. As a result of their independence, Aquarius individuals are not crowd followers and are their best when they have to be creative.
Aquarius Negative Traits
The Aquarius individual also has a few negative traits include:
Aquarians are Impulsive
Because the Aquarius individual is used to thinking fast, they do not care about the repercussions of their behavior. The Aquarius individual has a sense of freedom and does not get limited by what others think about them. They are particular about expressing their freedom and do so quickly.
Aquarians Are Not Predictable
Aquarians are very unpredictable, and it is not easy to determine their next move. The moment you think you have them figured out, they do something that takes you by surprise.
They are Inconsistent
Aquarians have a constantly changing and evolving identity and can sometimes be categorized as inconsistent. This is usually evident in the way they act.
Aquarians can be Extreme
Aquarians tend to take things to the extreme. These include their sadness, anger, depression, etc. Anything they do can be taken to an extreme level which may be uncomfortable for those around them.
Aquarians can be Stubborn
The Aquarius individual is extremely stubborn, and it can be difficult to get them to change their minds when it is set. They can be extremely stubborn when it involves their opinions.
Aquarius Relationship with Family and Friends
The Aquarius individual has no problem socializing properly with people. However, they find it difficult to develop a close friendship. Aquarians prefer friends who are truthful, creative, and intellectuals like themselves. The Aquarius in the family is one that does not conform to the norm and always has something discerning to say.
These individuals find it easy to find happiness even without cash. They only require a loving family and great friends and find that adequate. The Aquarius also defends those they love and are the best examples of caring individuals. All they want is to have a loving family and amazing friends.
Aquarius and their Career
The Aquarius individual is extremely intellectual and known to think innovatively. They enjoy increasing their knowledge base, and one of the core things they search for in their career is flexibility, freedom, creative outlets, appreciation, growth, and a support team.
Aquarians are very focused on growth and won’t accept any individual or thing that is obstructing them from achieving their dreams.
Aquarius and Money
Aquarians are not particular about money in comparison to some other signs. They don’t find money extremely crucial but as a way to fulfill their needs. Aquarians believe it is more crucial to chase causes they find worthwhile instead of how much they can earn. However, if they have money, they prefer spending it on the best money can afford. These individuals would most likely spend their cash investing in new products, inventions, and new companies.
How the Aquarius Acts in Love & Romance
The Aquarius has some romantic traits that do not make them traditional in relationships. Aquarians rule friendship, so they must have a romantic partner. They don’t categorize their lovers as their friends, and loyalty is critical to them. Aquarians tend to consider things objectively, so they are known to be detached emotionally. This can be hard for more sensitive partners.
Anyone looking to date the Aquarius has to be willing to let them lead. Aquarians are more compatible with other air signs like Libra and Gemini, alongside the fire signs like Sagittarius and Aries.
Who are the Least Compatible with?
The Aquarius and Leo are opposites, but they can be attracted to one another. This is because of their interest in socializing and standing out. However, because they are both fixed-minded, it may be difficult to compromise for common ground. Also, Aquarians are more particular about the universal aspects of things, while Leos have a sense of self.
The Aquarius is also strongly attracted to Pisces and Capricorn signs, but it might be difficult for them to understand one another.
Tips for Attracting the Aquarius Individual
Anyone planning to get into a relationship with an Aquarius individual needs to understand how to get them on their sides. Knowing this, here are some tips that can help you achieve this:
Be Communicative
One of the most critical ways to attract an Aquarius individual is communication. These individuals require communication compatibility beyond anything. If you can engage them in an intellectual and friendly conversation, it will be easy to attract them. Also, taking them to an interesting or unique location can help, but learn to leave them alone when they need it. Try to keep things on a positive note and give them space when they desire.
Don’t Complain or Nag in Excess
Don’t nag an Aquarius individual when they make a mistake. Once they make a mistake, they acknowledge it immediately and get it out of their mind. Mistakes don’t seem important to them, so nagging about them will make them believe you are strange.
Request Their Opinions
Even though Aquarians love people who can figure things out themselves and intrigue them with new topics, they like it when people ask questions. Do this and ask for their opinions about stuff that make them feel important and special to you.
Be Unique
Showing you are unique can be what you need to attract an Aquarius. These individuals love people who are different, so being your unique original self is your bet if you want to get them to spend time with you.