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(c) Can Stock Photo

Parenthood is a big role and high responsibility for both parents. In the classic model of family the woman is usually the one who is busy with the daily issues connected to newly born baby and the household, while father’s role is kind of earning money and keeping the wife and children. However, sometimes the role of father is largely underestimated. That is why we are conducting a research to understand what his responsibilities are to the family, particularly to wife and child or children.

In reality the role of father and his responsibilities go far behind than money, otherwise we would not have called him father, but something like “money provider” or “money machine”. There are many more responsibilities than just the financial issues and moreover, being a father, and a good one, is really difficult.

So first of all, among father’s responsibilities to family is being available. This means that the father should spend much time with family. Of course the father may work and actually should work in order the to keep the family but on the other hand he must be present, he must be there at the time when the child does his first steps  or when there is a need to help with home tasks or in any other case.

It is also the father’s responsibility to be the leader of the family. A good father leads the family. Besides that he is present in the family, it is his duty to make the decisions. A good father can lead the family to the best family moments. At weekends he would organize something like camping with family. This is how he is responsible to be the leader.

It is father’s responsibility also to protect the family from external issues. Whether the situation of family is secure, safe and protected greatly depends on the father. This refers to the daily house hold issues connected to electricity or other staff and as well as some serious staff.

If the father works part-time then he is also responsible for raising up the children, taking care of them, doing some activities with them, not sleeping at nights, changing baby’s clothes and so on and so forth.

Providing a precise ideology and dad’s attitude to the children is also among the dad’s responsibilities.

The father is greatly responsible also for the further path of the children. I mean his or her education, his choices and his life in general.

The father alongside with mother is responsible for creating the right atmosphere in the family. I mean the father even more than more should show that he loves the children and the mother that he cares about them. At this case the right atmosphere of love and understanding will be in the family. However, in each family there are some minor issues and that is natural. In this case you should try to hide those problems from children and solve with the mother. Doing so shows that you are very responsible father. Children should grow up in peace and in right psychological atmosphere where there is no tension.

Thus, as you can already see the father is not just the financial provider or shoulder of the family. Nowadays there is kind of overlap in the role of mother and father and into their responsibilities. However, these were the most vivid responsibilities that every father has to the family.

What we think is that both parents are responsible for children and both should share all the duties. In that case harmony will be in the family.