(c) Can Stock Photo / LanaKh

(c) Can Stock Photo / LanaKh

Many women are just obsessed with sweets and chocolates. This feeling usually becomes even stronger when you are pregnant. If you love sweets, sugar, cakes, cupcakes and all of these sweet things, then when you get pregnant this feeling will become even worse and even stronger. We all know that sweets are not healthy at all and that they are all junk food. Sweets do not contain anything healthy and are just a source of lots of calories and unhealthy things. So basically if you want to be healthy and if you want your baby also develop healthy and be healthy you should definitely avoid eating sweets and cakes. I know it is very hard to resist the temptation, but overall you have to. One of the biggest minuses of sweet food is not only that it is unhealthy and junk, but also it is quite rich in calories and fats, which makes you become fatter and fatter. I am sure that no pregnant women wants to get some extra weight because of sweets, because you want it or not, but you will gain weight during pregnancy. However, there is no need to be desperately sad and to get mad because you cannot eat sweets and you think that it is the end of the world.

Resisting sweets is not as difficult as you think it is. I also had dealt with the issue of resisting sweets just because they are extremely unhealthy. So basically what we can do is to advise you to replace the unhealthy kind of sugar, jams, sweet chocolate, creamy cakes with healthier things.

So let’s start understanding how it happens.

  • The very first and probably the healthiest thing you can do in order to replace the unhealthy kind of sugar with the healthy one is thanks to dates. Dates are sweet and quite tasty. At the same time dates are very healthy food item and they are natural which is very important. Dates are good source of various vitamins and minerals. Calcium , iron, zinc and other healthy things are found in dates. Dates also contain fiber, which is important for healthy bowl movement. This is extremely important for pregnant women, because they can have some problems with the functioning of bowels. Besides this, dates are good for straightening bones, which means that they can be very helpful for the development of your baby.
  • Another healthy replacement for unhealthy sugar is definitely honey. Honey is flower made sugar and therefore it is natural. If you get natural honey then for sure you will contribute to your own health. Honey is especially good to eat during mornings, because it makes a good memory.
  • Another wise thing you can do is to replace the sweet chocolate with the dark one. There can be no argues that dark chocolate is one of the healthiest sweets ever. The thing is that dark chocolate contains fiber, iron, Manganese and copper. These all are essential minerals for every person.
  • The next thing we would recommend you to eat is bananas. Bananas are quite sweet, they are good source of energy. Bananas are probably one of the sweetest fruits and in fact one of the tastiest ones as well. So actually they contain Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Fiber, Protein and other useful minerals as well. This makes banana as one of the best replacements of unhealthy sugar.

As you see there are 4 products that are extremely good and beneficial in case of replacing sweets. It does not mean that you have to give up sweets for the whole life. It would be great if you could do it, but if you cannot do it, then it is okay. You can let yourself eat a piece of cake once a week in morning. However, do not make it an everyday habit. Just replace all the unhealthy kind of sugar with one of these items, which will not only give you the pleasure of sweets but will also give you some necessary vitamins and minerals.

It is not that difficult as you imagine. At first it may be a little bit hard, but then you will get used to it, and I am sure you will like it.